These tips will help you enjoy and complete your marathon in record time

There are thousands of marathons including the upcoming Philadelphia Marathon.  Here are some tips to help you reach your personal goal.  Comfort is most important: Choose shoes that have good support and are lightweight. Comfortable socks are also important if you wear socks. Socks and shoes should be tested in a pace run to prevent blisters and sore feet.  Your local running store can help fit you with the perfect shoe. Chill out and avoid stress in the days leading up to the race. Make sure to stay hydrated in the days prior to the race. In the days before the race get your body used to the routine and run at the same time of day as the start of the race. Mimic the course and go on runs that share the same path as the race. Carbo-load -- don't fat-load. Eat carb-rich foods such as pasta, potatoes, bread, fruit, fruit juice and yogurt as well as other low-fat treats and sports drinks. Stretch gently 15 minutes before the start of the race. Focus on your calves, hamstrings, glutes and lower back.  Run the first few miles 10 to 15 seconds per mile slower than your goal pace to preserve glycogen for later to help you finish strong.  Once you finish and if this is your first race of 26.2 miles (42k), you can now call yourself a marathoner.  

posted Friday November 16th