Someone said a flat and fast 100 Miler doesn’t really count? Camille Herron doesn't agree!

Someone tried to tell my friend her first 100 miler at Tunnel Hill “doesn’t count” because it was “flat and easy.” Is this really what people think? Anyone who can go 100 miles on any terrain has my respect! And if anyone wants to attempt to run 100 miles at 7:38 pace you’re welcome to try! Flat and fast and trying to hold the pace hurts way worse than any mountain trail race I’ve done. Hardest event in my opinion is a flat road 100K! Having crossed surfaces I respect the challenges they all present. (Camille holds many ultra records including the World Record for 100 miles running 7:38 pace for nearly 13 hours.)

posted Monday April 9th
by Camille Herron