Košice Peace Marathon’s origins from Paris Olympic Marathon in 1924

The Košice Peace Marathon returns to Paris after 100 years

The inspiring and authentic story of the founder of the Košice Peace Marathon (KPM), Vojtech Bukovsky, has captivated the world. In the venue of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the Maison Slovaque – the Slovak Olympic House – hosted the ceremonial presentation of Europe’s oldest marathon.

Today in the Slovak Olympic House, the organisers of the KPM, representatives of the Marathon Club, the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee and the City of Košice presented the history of the race’s creation. The breathtakingly inspiring story of Vojtech Bukovsky was told through the premiere of a documentary film dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Košice Marathon.

Among the invited guests were Mr. Christophe Najdovski, Vice Mayor of the City of Paris, Ms. Kirsty Coventry, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee and Minister of Sport of Zimbabwe, Mr. Dobromir Karamarinov, President of European Athletics, H.E. Ján Šoth, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to France, and Mr. Jean-Michel Brun, Member of the Executive Board of the European Olympic Committee and Vice President of the French Olympic Committee.

“Over the weekend we will learn the names of the new Olympic winners in the marathon. We will pay tribute to them in the same way as Vojtech Bukovsky, the founder of the marathon in Košice, did here in Paris on 13 July 1924, when he stood up at the Colombes stadium to greet the Finnish runner Albin Stenroos and all his rivals in the finish line. 100 years have passed since then. We watch today’s battles under the Eiffel Tower with enthusiasm and are filled with pride that we can stand here and tell the story of the centenary of the marathon in Košice to the whole world. It is a story filled with courage, friendship, perseverance and the desire for peace and comfort. Vojtech Bukovsky was enchanted by the Paris Olympics 100 years ago and by the ideas of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He said, among other things, that the most important thing in life is not to win, but to compete. And these words of his fully capture one of the basic philosophies of the modern marathon today. Let’s stay true to it,” said Branislav Koniar, Race Director of the Košice Peace Marathon.

The metropolis of France and the Olympic ideals have a very special place in the birth certificate of the Košice Peace Marathon. The impulses leading to its creation are very stronglylinked to Paris, where, as today, the 1924 race was held under the five rings. The 30-year-old Vojtech Bukovský was also watching closely the competition that time. He came from Košice to experience this sporting event first-hand as a sports enthusiast, journalist and referee. When he applauded Albin Stenroos, the Finnish winner of the Olympic marathon, on 13 July, a dream was born in his mind, which he turned into reality just three months later.

“The Košice Peace Marathon marks an extraordinary milestone of its history. Inspired by the Olympic spirit of Paris 1924, it is a living example of the power of Olympic ideals to unite nations and celebrate peace through sport. At the Maison Slovaque, the Slovak Olympic House in Paris, we symbolically linked two historical moments. After 100 years, the story of one of the biggest and most important events in Slovak sport has once again returned to the city where the inspiration for its creation came from. Symbolically, it happened again at the time of the Olympic Games. This precious legacy reminds us that the Olympic Games are more than just a competition. They are an impulse that can inspire and change the world. We are proud at the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee that the dream of one man inspired by the Olympic marathon continues today, uniting endurance athletes from around the world in the name of peace and understanding," said Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee Secretary General, Jozef Liba.

The courage with which Vojtech Bukovský set about organising the marathon is still an amazing act also on a global scale. Despite the fact that this sporting adventure did not come easily, today the marathon enjoys prestige and an important position on the world athletics map. In Košice, the tradition has become an event with a society-wide impact, representing the city and its inhabitants in a unique way. “The marathon is always a special event for us. And we, the citizens of Košice, are happy that runners from all over the world come back to us. But it is not for the records or the financial bonuses. They come for the people of Košice and the unrepeatable atmosphere. I also feel the need to recall the message of the Olympics, which is ekecheiria – that is, peace to arms, because the message of the Kosice Marathon is exactly that – peace. It is the strongest value for all of us, even in these times,” adds the Mayor of the City of Košice, Jaroslav Polaček. The City of Košice is one of the most important partners of the KPM, and it participates not only financially and organizationally, but also technically and personally in the preparations of the biggest sporting event.

The presentation of the KPM in Paris is the best invitation to the anniversary edition of the event. In addition to the sporting feats of elite runners, the performances of “mortals”, amateur or weekend runners, who sign up in their thousands for the Košice marathon course, will also resonate. This community has always been the soul of the KPM. “Millions of runners from all continents constantly confirm us that sport and marathon can unite people of every religion, every skin colour, every nationality. The strength of this community is unparalleled. And it gives strength to us in Košice. Without it, we would certainly not have been able to overcome the most diverse obstacles for 100 years. Let us wish that tomorrow’s marathon mission here in Paris will be a success for everyone – both for the medal winners and for those who finish later. It will certainly be the same on 6 October 2024 in Košice. Come to see it, come to experience it. You will be cordially welcome,” – concludes Ján Sudzina, the President of the Košice Marathon Club.Part of this commemorative meeting was also the presentation of miniaturized replicas of the statue of the marathoner, which has been a landmark of the city and the marathon itself since 1962. They will go to Paris City Hall and also to the International Olympic Committee and Europaen Athletics represented at this ceremony by President Dobromir Karamanirov.

And of course, there was talk of the actual Olympic marathon, which will become a hugely watched event on Saturday, 10th August. In addition to the best marathon runners, more than 20,000 runners from all over the world will take to the track in a unique project that has so far been unprecedented at the Games under five rings. The starting field of hobby runners will include those from Slovakia. Three of them have accepted the invitation from the Marathon Club and will personally take part in the ceremony. They are Milan Šimoník, Lukáš Jáchym and Marián Vidra. From the hands of Branislav Koniar and Jan Sudzina they have received symbolic starting numbers, with which they will take part in tomorrow’s marathon in Paris. They carry the logo and the message of the mutual relationship between the two cities, which was born from the enthusiasm of Vojtech Bukovsky 100 years ago.

Let us also add that two legendary athletes were also present at the ceremony. Kipchoge Keino of Kenya became the first African to win Olympic gold in track and field in Mexico City in 1968 and defended his title four years later in Munich. His compatriot Tegla Loroupe competed in Košice in 1997 and won a gold medal at the World Half Marathon Championships held in the city. After winning the world’s biggest marathons and retiring from her career, she became a special UN ambassador with the aim of putting together repeatedly a team of athletes made up of refugees who have had to leave their country for war or humanitarian reasons. Such a team is also starting this time at the Games in Paris.

posted Friday August 16th