Five keys to run-streaking, try these few tips to get into the habit of running every day

So you want to start a run streak. That’s a cool, fun and fulfilling challenge to set for yourself, and whether you’re aiming to run every day for the next month, every day for the next year or every day indefinitely, you should have a good time chasing that goal. Regardless of how long you plan to streak for, there are a few things you need to think about before starting (and throughout your streak). Here are five keys to finding success with this running challenge. 

1.- Don’t overdo it 

If you’re used to a high running volume already, you should adapt pretty easily to training every day, but if you’re not, you need to slowly build into your run streak. This is not to say that you shouldn’t run every day, but you do have to keep your training light for the first little while as your body becomes accustomed to running day after day. Soon, you’ll be ready to increase your mileage, but for now, keep your runs easy and relatively short. 

2.- Run in weird places 

To be a proper run streaker, you have to get used to running in weird places. If your streak extends long enough, you’re bound to eventually hit a day when everything goes wrong and you find yourself nearing midnight without having done your run. In those cases, you’re going to have to run wherever you find yourself at the time–even if you’re in an airport, or on the side of the road with a flat tire. To preserve your streak, you’ll need to lace up and run in an unorthodox location. 

3.- Plan your days 

Finding success with a run streak depends on your ability to plan ahead. You can’t wing it. You may be able to get away with that for a while, but soon enough, you’re going to arrive at a day when your schedule is packed, and if you haven’t made a plan to fit a run in, you’ll have to helplessly watch the day slip by while you sit in meetings, errands or whatever else is keeping you from your run. Plan ahead, because life can get hectic, and it doesn’t care if you miss out on a day of running.

4.- Sleep, sleep, sleep

Running every day is going to wear you down, and if you’re not sleeping well, you’ll hit a wall soon enough. Get to bed early enough to get your seven to nine hours of shut-eye, minimum. (That’s good advice for anyone, not just run streakers.) 

5.- Recover well 

You must take care of your body. Do a proper warmup and cooldown with your workouts, use a foam roller after your runs, drink lots of water, and do whatever else you’ve found that works for your recovery. 

An important note

This is a reminder that no run streak is worth hurting yourself. If you’re injured or sick, don’t force yourself to get out the door for yet another run. Forcing yourself to run will only lead to a worse injury or illness. Run streaks are supposed to be fun, and pushing your body past reasonable limits is never a good idea. It’ll be unfortunate to lose your streak, but here’s the good news: you can always start a new one. 

posted Friday April 7th
by Ben Snider-McGrath