Cleveland Marathon: Will Loevner defends men's title, proposes to girlfriend after win

Will Loevner has captured his second Cleveland Marathon, and it was a special one.

Loevner won in 2 hours, 19 minutes and 44 seconds. The Pittsburgh man, who won last year in his first time competing, celebrated by proposing to his girlfriend in front of the crowd.

With his win, he qualifies for the coveted Boston Marathon.

The 47th annual marathon, which brings in hundreds of runners from all over the country and the world, took place this weekend in downtown Cleveland in warm and sunny weather. Hundreds of supporters cheered as runners crossed the finish line by Mall B.

In addition to the marathon, there were a half marathon, 10K and 5K races.

For Julianne Hill of Middleburg Heights, who ran in her fourth 5k during the Cleveland Marathon weekend, but her 92nd race over all. She said it felt “amazing to cross the finish line.”

“I’m tearing up,” she added. “It’s amazing every time. There’s people all over the route. No matter where you are, they’re cheering, they have signs. It’s just the best, I love it.”

Hill said after 12 years, this would be her last year competing.

“I’m going to run 100 races and I’m done,” she said. “I’m almost there.”

This was the first marathon for Veronica Wulw for Broadview Heights, who competed in the half marathon.

“For my 26th birthday, I decided to challenge myself to run a marathon for the first time,” she said.

“Going from from running on your own with no one else around you to being able to cross that finish line with other runners - it’s awesome to see everyone have the same passion and being one unit,” she said.

She added she hoped to return next year and compete in the marathon.

posted Monday May 20th
by Megan Sims