All the Benefits You Gain from Walking, Even if You Don’t Hit 10,000 Steps

Putting one foot in front of the other can help you live a healthier, happier life.

In the age of biohacking and complicated training protocols, it’s a good idea to periodically circle back to basics and remind yourself that exercise doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective. Sometimes, the best type of movement is the simplest, and it doesn’t get simpler than walking.

Yes, walking—the same physical activity you’ve been performing since toddlerhood. Back then, putting one foot in front of the other and moving your body from point A to point B was a thrill. Truthfully, you may never fully tap into that feeling of unencumbered freedom or primal joy again. Nevertheless, understanding the physical and mental health benefits of walking may inspire you to up your daily step count or squeeze in a quick stroll after dinner.

To convince you to do just that, we looked at the research and chatted with health and fitness experts for their thoughts on the benefits of walking. The next time you bump up against some confusing health advice or feel too overwhelmed to work out, consult this list. Then go for a walk. 

1. Blood Sugar Stabilization

Consistently, research has shown that even a leisurely 10-minute stroll after dinner can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

“The food that you eat is broken down in the stomach. Some of that gets broken down into different simple sugars and then sent to the bloodstream, and then that can be utilized in the muscles,” Todd Buckingham, Ph.D., exercise physiologist at PTSportsPRO in Grand Rapids, Michigan, tells Runner’s World. “Walking can help stabilize the blood sugar levels and not get that spike immediately after eating because the muscles are being activated and are going to uptake blood glucose.” 

While even slow walking will do the trick, there is some evidence that picking up your pace may further mitigate the risks of type 2 diabetes. The findings of a systematic review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggest that the faster you walk, the greater the benefits. According to the included studies, frequently walking at a casual pace (less than two miles per hour) was associated with a disease risk reduction of around 15 percent. A faster “brisk” pace of between three and four miles per hour was associated with a 24 percent lower risk, and an even quicker pace was linked to a 39 percent risk reduction. 

2. Better Sleep

Walking, a low-impact exercise you can do daily, is “the single best way to improve sleep quality,” Michael Breus, Ph.D, clinical psychologist, sleep medicine expert, and founder of The Sleep Doctor, tells Runner’s World. 

In simple terms, walking tires the body and increases the naturally increasing pressure to sleep throughout the day. Research shows that physical activity also increases melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone, regulates body temperature, and can help reduce stress, which can negatively affect sleep. 

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, Dixon recommends swapping your before-bed scroll sessions for an evening stroll at dusk. “Walking at night can be especially helpful when it comes to falling asleep. Natural light and avoiding screen time tell your body that it’s time to wind down,” he says. 

3. Healthy Weight Maintenance

“The amount of calories burned while walking depends on the speed and distance, but any amount of calories burned can help with your goal of maintaining or losing weight,” William Dixon, M.D., co-founder of Signos and Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford School of Medicine tells Runner’s World

In one study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry, clinically obese women who participated in a 12-week walking program (50 to 70 minutes of moderately intense walking three days a week) lost abdominal fat and showed improvements in their fasting glucose levels. Members of the control group, all of whom maintained a sedentary lifestyle, exhibited no significant changes. 

4. Stress Relief and Mood Regulation

There are reasons why taking a walk to “clear your head” actually works. “Walking can help with emotional regulation,” Craig Kain, Ph.D., a psychologist and psychotherapist based in Long Beach, California tells Runner’s World. “At times, our feelings get the best of us, and we find ourselves off-balance emotionally. Walking can increase levels of two neurotransmitters, dopamine, the ‘happy hormone,’ and decrease levels of cortisol, the ‘stress hormone,’ restoring our brains to a state of equilibrium.”

Kain notes that a regular walking routine can provide over-stimulated people a “time-out” for quiet self-reflection or allow isolated individuals to connect with others in their community. “A client of mine was depressed and housebound after COVID. Walking helped them gain confidence and a sense that they fit into the world again,” Kain says. “By just walking through their neighborhood, they began to feel less fear of other people. They loved dogs and began to say hello to the dogs and owners they saw along the way. Soon, their depression began to lift, and they looked forward to their walks, which became a daily practice, and [it inspired] the feeling of belonging in society.”

5. Reduced Risk of Dementia

Some research shows that getting in your daily steps—right under 10,000 is ideal—is associated with a reduced risk of dementia. But even less than half that amount could make a positive effect, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 

The authors of the cross-sectional study found that participants who walked at least 4,000 steps a day exhibited better cognitive functioning and had thicker medial temporal lobes (a part of the brain associated with memory) than individuals who accumulated fewer steps. Exactly how physical activity influences brain health isn’t entirely clear, but the authors suggest that the theory of “adaptive capacity model” may be at play. 

“This model suggests that during aging, the brain responds adaptively by diminishing capacity so as to reduce energy costs, leading to age-related regional brain atrophy and associated function,” they write. “Engaging exercise in late life can adaptively increase capacity, thus reducing the impacts of cognitive aging.”

“As a therapist who is very aware of the toll dementia takes on individuals, families, and extended families, 4,000 steps seems one of the best preventative mental health actions one can take,” Kain says. 

6. Boosted Recovery

While walking is accessible, beginner-friendly, and appropriate for older adults, it can also benefit athletes and individuals who enjoy intense exercise. 

“Personally, I like to use walking as a recovery tool,” Buckingham says. He explains that walking helps facilitate blood flow, which can help clear the byproducts of a tough workout and promote the repair of damaged muscle fibers. Walking can also help reduce postworkout swelling. 

Dixon notes that some avid exercisers, especially those who prefer high-intensity activities, are often inactive (or even sedentary) during the other 23 hours when they’re not in the gym. “Walking is an easy way to increase your exercise when you might be too tired for another tough workout,” he says. 

7. Inspiration to Move More

In and of itself, walking is an excellent use of your time, as evidenced by all the aforementioned benefits. But you may find that consistently hitting your daily step target leads to setting (and conquering) even more ambitious goals. 

“I think one of the biggest [benefits of walking] is that it just gets people used to committing to physical activity,” Dixon says. “Often this encourages them to choose behaviors we know are healthy in other aspects, like sleeping more and making healthier diet choices.” 

8. Easy to Stay Consistent

Compared to other types of exercise, walking has very few barriers to entry. It doesn’t require an expensive gym membership or sports equipment. You don’t need any special skills or training, and even those new to exercise or navigating health challenges can usually walk. “It’s low-impact, so you’re not going to get stress on the knees, ankle, and other joints that you might with running,” Buckingham says.

To get started with walking, all you really need is a pair of comfortable shoes. “Heck, you don’t even need a pair of shoes. You can walk around barefoot. Go for a walk on the beach,” Buckingham says. New walkers can start with a leisurely walk around the block and gradually add distance or pick up the pace. 

Finally, unlike other workouts, you can easily incorporate walks throughout your day—every walk doesn’t have to feel like a workout. You can walk while you take a phone call or during a lunch break. If you don’t have time for one 30-minute walk, you can split it up into two 15-minute walks or three 10-minute walk breaks. 

With a little planning, walking can become part of how you connect with friends, family, or pets. “I take my dog for a walk around the block, and we go for a walk around the block with family after dinner just to talk and get outside,” Buckingham says. 

posted Saturday July 6th