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Running date ideas

Sometimes staring across a table at someone you’ve only just met, as you delicately attempt to eat in a way that won’t give them the ick, can be too much pressure for a date early on in a relationship. 

Instead of meeting at a restaurant, why not meet for a first date run instead? Other than having to make your debut in lycra, there’s not much else to put you off a running date—unless, of course, you’re more into your 4K TV than your 5K runs. 

Choose your running date route

First things first—you’ll have sussed out if your date is into running during those first Bumble chats, or at an early in-person meet-up, so suggesting an active date shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. 

But be specific—rather than just saying “shall we go for a run?” suggest a route, a meeting point and even, if you like to plan ahead, a spot for a little post-run refuel. 

It might be a nice date idea to explore a new area together as you run. Perhaps look for a local park in a part of town neither of you know well. Just make sure that there are good running routes and most importantly, nice resturants or cafes to stop in after. 

You don’t want the run to be so short that it’s over too soon, or too long that it becomes hard work and not enjoyable. A 5k route feels about right for a first date run. 

How to start a first date run

Arrange to meet somewhere that you can warm up together first. You can get the small talk out of the way and break the ice, so that when you do set off you can settle into a more natural kind of conversation.

Perhaps for the warm up stretch, you could both alternately suggest exercises as a cute way of getting to know each other. Make sure you get those hamstrings nice and loose!

It’s a good idea for one person to take the lead and navigate during your running date—you can swap next time so it’s equal. But this means you both aren’t looking at your phones and potentially falling out over directions when you’ve only just met!

Have a look at the route together before you set off, so you know what to expect. And be willing to compromise or change your plans if your date doesn’t fancy the uphill section. And once you do set off, set a good pace. Go slow enough to be able to comfortably chat as you go.

Remember this is a running date, not a race

If you’re a sporty person, it can be easy to turn a first date run into a competition, even without meaning to. You want to show how fit you are, how fast you are—you want to impress your date, it’s only natural! But you’re not really here for a workout–though that is a nice bonus–it’s a date, and getting to know each other should be the priority. Don’t run off ahead, and if your date is struggling to keep pace, slow down. Don’t be afraid to walk for a bit of the date run too, particularly if there’s nice scenery.

How to make a running date more challenging

This might be best saved for a third or fourth date, but setting goals and challenging each other can keep running dates feeling fresh—even if it isn’t the first time. Running with a partner can be a great way to push yourself to reach new goals. Before you start your date, set a goal for the distance or time you want to run, and challenge each other to reach it. This can help motivate you both to push yourself and make the experience more enjoyable.

How about incorporating interval training? Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity exercise and recovery. This can be a fun way to mix up your run and challenge yourselves. You can sprint for a short distance, walk, then sprint again.

Another good idea for your running date is to make it a game: Try playing tag or running backwards for short distances. You can also add challenges like stopping to do push-ups or jumping jacks every kilometer. Yes, this is fun for some people!

Running date chat: what do you talk about as you go?

There’s a lovely cadence to running, and once you relax into it, conversation can begin to flow without having to really think about it. If you’re struggling though, a great first date conversation starter could be asking about their fitness journey. Have they always enjoyed running? Have they ever completed a marathon? What do they like to listen to as they run?

And on that note—if you don’t fancy chatting on your running date, you could always make a playlist that you both listen to. Sharing music can be a nice way to share something of yourself and express your personality. Just keep it upbeat and energetic! 

Plan a post-run treat

The date doesn’t end when you cross the imaginary finish line! Hopefully you’ll have identified a cute spot to recharge and refuel in advance, or even spied somewhere during the run that you can head back to. Take a leisurely walk there, cooling down as you go and then enjoy treating yourself. You deserve it! Hopefully, if this is a first date run, you’ll have bonded so much during the running part of the date, that by the time you get to the sitting down opposite each other part of the date, you’ll be able to just relax and enjoy each other’s company. 

(02/14/2024) Views: 345 ⚡AMP
by Bumble

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