Running News Daily

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Eliud Kipchoge hopes to make history as the only athlete to win all the marathon majors

Speaking over the weekend during the unveiling of his murals in Eldoret, the world record holder said his next stop will be Boston in April before closing the season with the New York Marathon later in the year.  

Kipchoge has so far won Tokyo, London, Berlin and Chicago, which are part of the World Marathon Majors.

He said winning Boston and eventually New York City Marathon will be great.

“2022  was a great and very successful year for me. Right now my focus is on the Boston Marathon as I seek to win my fifth World Marathon Majors race,” said the four-time  Berlin Marathon champion.

Kipchoge said he wants to consolidate the six-star marathon medals as well as engage in other community-based projects under his Eliud Kipchoge Foundation.

He said he is currently looking at projects anchored around education and tree planting. 

The four-time London marathon champion said his target in the education sector is to build at least a library in each of the 47 counties.

“I do not only want to construct a library in each county, but also adopt a forest in each county. This is a big dream but I know there is a need to plant more trees so that humanity can have clean air to breathe as well as conserve the environment,” he said.

Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa said the murals are artistic impressions in honour and celebration of  Kipchoge’s achievement as one of the greatest marathoners.

The murals were inscribed: ‘No human is Limited' and ‘Wenye nidhamu tu maishani ndio wako huru' meaning 'only the disciplined are free'.

Ndegwa also announced a Sh1m donation towards Eliud Kipchoge Foundation. In addition, the telco will also support Eliud with 5,000 tree seedlings as part of his tree-growing initiative at Kaptagat Forest. 

In Boston, Kipchoge will be up against former New York Marathon champion Albert Korir, former Commonwealth 5,000m gold medallist Augustine Choge, Shura Kitata and Ghirmay Ghebreslassie.

Also expected to challenge the streets of Boston are champion Evans Chebet, 2021 winner Benson Kipruto, two-time winner Lelisa Desisa and Tanzanian record-holder Gabriel Geay.

(01/19/2023) ⚡AMP
by Emmanuel Sabuni
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


Quickly improve your speed with this 30/30 fartlek workout

Now that the holidays are over and your training for spring races has resumed, jumping back into workouts can be overwhelming. If you are looking to ease back into things and still want a quality speed workout, this session is for you.

The workout is called the 30/30 fartlek, and it can be done as a workout on its own, or thrown into the end of a long run to challenge your fatigued muscles. A fartlek is a unique speed workout (it’s Swedish for “speed play”) designed to get you comfortable with different paces.

The concept behind the 30/30 fartlek workout is not to destroy you, but to give you a quality session. Most runners will use fartlek training for continuous running to keep their heart rate (HR) at a certain level to improve their aerobic endurance in the quickest way possible. Fartlek running is also one of the best ways to incorporate speedwork into your mileage. 


10 to 15 reps of 30 seconds fast and 30 seconds slow jog (continuous)

Each 30-second rep should be done at a comfortably fast pace (generally 5K-10K pace or faster), and the 30-second slow jog should be done at a pace slower than your easy runs.

If you need to walk between reps, you might be pushing too hard; try slowing down the pace of your fast 30s a bit.

Although the workout may seem like a lot of reps, it is only five to eight minutes in total. Doing this session once a week will quickly improve your speed and endurance, helping prepare your mind and body for faster efforts to come.

(01/19/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Should you run early or late? A new study has surprising findings

It’s a common debate among runners–is it better to run in the morning or in the evening? A new study concluded that exercising between noon and midnight could significantly lower insulin resistance compared to activity earlier in the day.

While more research needs to be done, the study raised some interesting points for those looking to manage blood sugar and prevent Type 2 diabetes.

“Our aim was to investigate associations of the timing of physical activity and breaks in sedentary time with liver fat content and insulin resistance in a middle-aged population,” lead study author Jeroen van der Velde of Leiden University Medical Center told Healthline. 

What is insulin resistance and why is blood sugar important?

Key to be aware of when it comes to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance occurs when cells stop responding to insulin.

Food is broken down into blood sugar which then enters the bloodstream, signaling the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin helps blood sugar enter the body’s cells so it can be used for energy, and it signals the liver to store blood sugar for later use.

If a lot of blood sugar floods the bloodstream, the pancreas pumps out more insulin to get blood sugar into cells. Over time, cells stop responding to all that insulin—they’ve become insulin resistant.

The pancreas keeps making more insulin to try to make cells respond, but can’t keep up and blood sugar keeps rising. Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are often the result of this perfect biological storm, according to the CDC.

High blood sugar is damaging to the body, and can also be a contributor to heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.

The study

Researchers analyzed data from a Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity (NEO) study, which included men and women (between 45–65) who had a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or greater, meaning they were in the category of overweight or obese.

The more than 6,700 participants in the control group underwent a physical exam where blood samples were taken to measure blood glucose and insulin levels when they were fasting and after eating and were questioned about their lifestyles.

A random sample of 955 participants was given an accelerometer/heart rate monitor to use for four days and nights to monitor their movements. The day was divided into three blocks; 6 am to 12 pm, 12 pm to 6 pm, and 6 pm to midnight.

The proportion of total daily moderate-to-vigorous-physical activity (MVPA) that was recorded within each segment revealed the most active period.

The takeaway

The researchers discovered that for the participants in the study, exercising in the afternoon was linked to an 18 per cent reduction in insulin resistance compared to spreading activity throughout the day and exercise in the evening with a 25 per cent reduction.

Researchers also discovered that time spent doing moderate to vigorous physical activity reduced both liver fat content and insulin resistance.

van der Velde acknowledged that more scientific research needs to be done, and emphasized that for this study, he looked at differences in insulin resistance on a group level, among adults all within a certain cohort. Exercise at any time of the day is recommended and can be preventative for a wide variety of health problems.

(01/19/2023) ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne

Quick And Easy Snacks For Runners

Whether planning your snacks for a marathon or trying to upgrade your workout routine, finding the right snacks as a runner is vital to your energy levels. Your body cannot work out efficiently or heal properly if you aren’t providing the right macros.

Snacks are a quick, efficient way to fuel your body for every run, but not all snacks will be the right choice for your body. Take a look at the top quick and easy snacks for runners below.

Why Snacks Matter

The more you exercise, the more calories and nutrients your body needs to thrive. If you don’t have enough energy, you won’t be able to make it through a serious workout, or your body will start to break down muscle as it seeks additional energy sources.

Having easy snacks is essential if you’re building your workout routine, including running. You must provide calories, carbs, and other nutrients to ensure your body is supplied with energy throughout the day. Before running, after running, and even on recovery days: your body needs fuel.

Snacks also ensure you’re giving your body what it needs to grow stronger during runs.

Snacks eaten one to three times a day, depending on your training level, should include carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, and fat.

Carbohydrates give you energy and restore glycogen in the muscles. Fiber keeps you feeling full while boosting digestive processes. Proteins keep your muscles in good condition. Fat ensures your body can absorb vitamins.

#1: Veggies, Pretzels, and Hummus

An easy snack that can be customized to fit your training and diet is a plate of veggies, pretzels, and hummus. Each of these components can be included in specific proportions to add extra protein, carbs, or fiber, depending on your current needs.

Pretzels are a great source of carbohydrates that digest quickly. They also have some salt, which is good for your body’s overall hydration balance. Hummus is a good source of iron, fat, and proteins.

Carrots aren’t high in calories, but they keep you feeling full. Carrots aren’t high in calories, but they keep you feeling full. Eating carrots to prevent overeating is a common tactic. 

Many veggies like carrots and celery also have high water content. Water is, of course, another essential part of your nutrition as a runner. Not all fluid intake needs to come directly from water; eating water-rich foods hydrates your body.

#2: Yogurt with Granola or Fruit

Yogurt is a fantastic food for runners. It is low in fat, high in carbs, and contains many valuable nutrients and vitamins. Additionally, many runners benefit from the probiotic effects that yogurt can have.

To make a balanced snack, try supplementing yogurt with blueberry cinnamon granola like this one or fruit. Slightly-sweet granola adds texture to the food while also upping the energy you’ll get out of your snack.

Ideally, using a flavored granola or low-sugar fruit is better than choosing a flavored yogurt. Flavored yogurts contain a lot of added sugars, which isn’t always a good choice.

#3: A Topped Toast

Eating a slice of toast with a protein-rich topping is an excellent snack for pre-running or recovery. Runners tend to use peanut butter as it is very high in healthy fat and protein-rich. Whole-wheat bread is the preferred choice for long-lasting energy, but you can also skip the bread altogether and eat these toppings with a banana or apple. It’s essential to be mindful when choosing your peanut butter. All-natural peanut butters contain less added sugar and limit hydrogenated oils, which can be hard on your body. Opt for the more natural peanut butter and nut butter options when possible.

#4: Energy Bars

Finally, let’s discuss the easiest and quickest choice: energy bars.

Selecting a premade bar instead of making your snack can feel like a cop-out. Still, it’s important to remember that energy bars are often specifically formulated to provide the right blend of nutrients, energy, and enjoyment for runners like you.

Energy bars come in many flavors and varieties. You’re good to go if you select bars that are not overloaded with added sugars. You can find high-carb, low-carb, protein-rich, and other types of bars on the market today. Don’t flounder trying to find the perfect snack if you don’t have time to meal prep. It’s okay; energy bars are a fantastic and easy option for runners.

(01/18/2023) ⚡AMP
by Colorado Runner

North American races to see a resurgence in 2023, survey says

Flashback to a year ago, most runners were locked down and working remotely with no races in sight. But within a few months, as restrictions were lifted, most races returned after a two-year hiatus. Race organizers were happy to have runners back, but the registration numbers for most were not what they were before the pandemic. 

Athlinks, the largest race results database in the world, surveyed an audience of 400,000 athletes based in North America, identifying their post-pandemic habits to gain an understanding of why numbers did not fully bounce back in 2022.

The survey showed several reasons for lacklustre event participation in 2022, ranging from athlete safety concerns to simply being “not ready” to return to racing. Forty-five per cent of the athletes who did not return to racing last year indicated that they are either registered or plan to register for their first race back in 2023. 

Those who have not returned to racing stated the following four things would persuade them to get back to it: Getting into shape, having a running buddy to commit to the race with, fun themes, and more affordable registration fees. 

Forty-eight per cent of athletes who returned to racing indicated that social media and word of mouth were how they found races. These results emphasize the importance of overall digital marketing efforts for events. Athletes are actively searching for new races to get involved in, and it is more important than ever for events to put their best foot forward digitally.

Athlinks revealed another promising indicator that late-fall races saw the strongest racing volume, nearing numbers from 2019. “We are starting to see event numbers close to 2019 once again–people are ready to race,” states Nick Wiegand, Athlinks product manager.

While the resurgence of the racing industry has progressed slower than many race directors hoped, there is a strong indication of a continued trend of steady growth for 2023. The survey shows it is key to focus on catering to athletes who have not yet returned to racing to help them get back into the habit.

(01/18/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Eliud Kipchoge urges athletes to shun doping

Eliud Kipchoge has shared his concerns over the increase in number of doping cases among Kenyan athletes.

The 38-year-old, who is considered among the best long-distance athletes of all time, also warned his compatriots that using drugs to enhance their performances on the track and field will also negatively impact their health.

Kipchoge, the reigning Olympic and World marathon champion, spoke on Tuesday night at the launch of the Tecno Phantom X2 series phone in Nairobi. 

The athlete was recently announced as Tecno's brand ambassador.

"Let each and every athlete make it a personal decision to protect their career and health," explained Kipchoge. "When you consistently use drugs, your health deteriorates. This affects your sporting career and personal life."

A total of 55 athletes were banned for doping, eight of them provisionally in 2022, a statistic that places the spotlight on Kenya as a sporting powerhouse amid threats of a ban on the country from competing at international meets.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba has described the doping menace as a 'crisis' and warned that efforts are underway to criminalise the vice.

"Kenya is in the midst of a doping crisis which is threatening to shatter the very fine glitter of Kenya as a sporting nation. We have rogue agents who do not seem to pay any regard to the laws of the land. We will catch them. We have the plan to end this mess."  

(01/18/2023) ⚡AMP
by Eliud Kipchoge

Paul Tergat named ambassador for World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 23

Paul Tergat has been announced as ambassador of the World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 23, with one month to go until the 44th edition of the global showpiece in Australia.

Kenya’s multiple world cross country gold medallist will be in Bathurst for the competition on 18 February, when some of the world’s current best athletes will descend on Mount Panorama looking to emulate him as a world cross country champion.

Tergat is one of the greats of long-distance running and it was in cross country that his success story really began. The first of his five individual world cross country crowns was claimed in Durham in 1995 and he would go on to gain gold at the next four editions – in Stellenbosch in 1996, Turin in 1997, Marrakech in 1998 and Belfast in 1999.

Cross country running paved the way for his achievements on the road and track, which included multiple world records, two world half marathon titles, two Olympic 10,000m silver medals, and three 10,000m medals – two silvers and a bronze – at the World Championships.

The singlet he wore when winning in Turin in 1997 is on display in the Museum of World Athletics.

“Cross country will always be a special event in my athletics career,” said Tergat. “It evokes very nostalgic and fond memories, because this is really where my long athletics career was birthed, developed and blossomed, with the crowning of five straight World Cross Country Championships titles between 1995 and 1999."

“In cross country running, I picked up lifelong lessons after conquering diverse conditions, twists and turns, terrains, wetlands and barriers that define the athletics event.”

Tergat has experience of racing in Australia; the 10,000m final at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games – where he pushed Haile Gebrselassie all the way before ultimately ending up with silver – was perhaps the most iconic race of Tergat's career.

As current world-class and mass runners prepare to take on the challenging Bathurst course, Tergat – who won individual and team titles for Kenya at each of those five editions of the World Cross Country Championships – reflected on the event in 1999 as his own competitive standout.

“Belfast remains an iconic race for its challenging, muddy course,” he explained, “but, most importantly, as the race in which I attained my historic fifth consecutive senior men’s title and a 14th successive team title for my country. This is the reason I have declared that race as ‘the toughest yet, but the best’.

“For these and many other reasons, I never hesitate to make any contribution towards raising the profile of cross country as a central event for every athlete, from track to road running.”

(01/18/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
World Athletics Cross Country

World Athletics Cross Country

Athletes from across the globe will descend on Australia for the World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 2021. Mount Panorama is better known as the home of Australia’s premier endurance motor race, but in one year from now, it will welcome the world’s best endurance runners for what will be Australia’s first World Athletics Series event in...


How Conservative Pacing Can also Be Aggressive Pacing

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include On Pace, The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?

On June 6, 2021, Sifan Hassan of The Netherlands smashed the women’s 10,000-meter world record in the Dutch town of Hengelo, besting Ethiopian Almaz Ayana’s mark of 29:17.45 by more than 10 seconds. Two days later, the Ethiopian Olympic Trials Women’s 10,000m was held on the same track. Nobody expected the record to go down again, least of all because the fastest runner in the race, Letesenbet Gidey, had a PB of 30:21—a full 75 seconds slower than Hassan’s time. Nevertheless, those fancy blue Wavelight LED’s that show world-record pace were activated, just in case.

Gidey started fast, but not that fast, reaching 2000 meters in 5:54, about 5 seconds behind the lights. Her next kilometer was a mite quicker, though still slower than record tempo, leaving her another second off the mark after 7.5 laps. She held that pace through the halfway mark, hitting 5000 meters in 14:42, on pace to finish in 29:24, a virtual straightway behind the specter of Hassan. But she looked really good—about as relaxed and comfortable as she had during her earlier warm-up jog.

Gidey’s next two kilometers were her swiftest yet—each completed in 2:55—yet even this pace was fractionally slower than Hassan’s standard, leaving her fully 10 seconds behind the lights at 7K. That’s when Gidey began to accelerate, running each remaining lap faster than the one before. She covered the final 1600 meters in an astonishing 4:26, the bell lap in a brain-melting 63 seconds, and finished with a new world record of 29:01.03. Her time for the second half of the race—14:18—was the eighth fastest women’s 5000-meter time ever run!

What do we make of this performance? For me, it teaches an important lesson about pacing. Specifically, it shows that a conservative pacing strategy can also be an aggressive pacing strategy in the sense that running the first part of a race at a relatively slow pace can position an athlete to achieve a breakthrough performance for the full race distance. The reason has to do with the psychological nature of pacing and human performance limits.

You see, in sprint races, performance is directly limited by physiology (specifically, leg turnover and force application). But in middle- and long-distance running events, performance is merely constrained by physiology and is directly limited by psychology. In a properly-paced middle- or long-distance race, the runner does not encounter any kind of hard physiological limit until they are within about 30 seconds of finishing, as it is humanly impossible to sustain a maximal effort longer than half a minute, give or take. Prior to that time, the runner is deliberately running slower than she could, aiming for the fastest pace she can sustain without hitting her bodily limit before she’s within 30 seconds of crossing the finish line.

This calculated parceling of effort is done mainly by feel. Hence, a degree of uncertainty is involved in pacing. How can a runner be certain she’s riding the line, on track to complete the race in the exact least time possible for her on that day? She can’t. However, uncertainty does tend to decrease as the race unfolds. The closer the runner gets to finishing, the more confident she becomes in her pacing judgments. Shorter races are easier to pace than longer ones, after all, and longer races effectively become shorter ones as runners move through them.

Pacing is really all about belief. When a runner is certain her current effort is sustainable for the remaining distance of a race, she’s usually right, and when she’s certain it’s not, she’s also right, not for some hippie-dippy mystical reason but because such beliefs have a solid basis in perceived effort, conscious knowledge of the situation, and past experience. But because belief is not strictly tied to physiology, runners can manipulate belief independent of physiology in ways that enable them to race faster, and that’s exactly what Letesenbet Gidey did in her record-breaking 10,000 meters.

In particular, Gidey ran the first 7K of the race at a pace that was slow enough to leave her feeling relatively good but not so slow as to put the world record out of reach. At that point, confident she could speed up, she did, but only a little, such that, after completing another lap, Gidey felt confident she could speed up a little more, which she did, and so on. The materialists in the room are rolling their eyes at this, but is my theory really so far-fetched? We have all kinds of experimental evidence that purely psychological factors affect pacing and performance. Endurance athletes are known to race faster when they are in a group, when they have a higher level of motivation before the race, and when they set a goal they believe is achievable, but just barely. The Gidey method of pacing is just one more way of improving performance through psychological self-manipulation.

I’m not suggesting that the Gidey method is the optimal pacing strategy for every runner in every race, though I push back hard against the claim that Gidey achieved what she did despite her pacing, not because of it. Folks, she covered 10,000 meters 5 seconds faster than any woman in the history of the world! How could that possibly have come about as a result of screwing up? I humbly ask you to consider experimenting with an aggressively conservative pacing strategy in an upcoming race. Here’s an example of a Gidey-style pacing plan for a runner hoping to squeak under 40:00 in a flat road 10K:

1K – 4:062K – 4:05 (8:11)3K – 4:05 (12:16)4K – 4:04 (16:20)5K – 4:02 (20:22)6K – 3:59 (24:21)7K – 3:58 (28:19)8K – 3:56 (32:15)9K – 3:54 (36:09)10K – 3:50 (39:59)

One of three things will happen if you try this experiment: 1) You will mess it up and decide either to try again or not to, 2) you will execute the plan well but decide you could have gone faster with a more traditional pacing strategy, or 3) you will execute the plan well and achieve a breakthrough performance you’re so proud of, you name your next pet Letesenbet. One thing that I can guarantee will NOT happen if you try this experiment is that you spontaneously combust and never run again. So, try it!


(01/17/2023) ⚡AMP
by Matt Fitzgerald

Marathon runner reaches final finish line after covering the length of Australia

When Erchana Murray-Bartlett first told people about her plan to run 150 consecutive marathons, they had mixed responses.

"The most surprising thing was people actually said, 'oh, of course, if there's anyone that can do it, it would be you,'" she said.

"I'm quite injury resilient, I think that is one of the biggest strengths out here. I definitely have had a lot of people say it's impossible."

The 32-year-old ran her 150th marathon in a row on Monday, finishing a five-month trip with four laps of Melbourne's iconic Tan Track.

Dubbed the Tip to Toe, Ms Murray-Bartlett's run has taken her from the tip of Australia at Cape York in far north Queensland, down to the mainland's "toe" in Melbourne.

Though it is yet to be made official, she has shattered the Guinness World Record for most marathons in a row by a woman, which previously stood at 106.

After crossing the final finish line, Ms Murray-Bartlett said she was "ecstatic".

"It's so good to be here in my home city with a home crowd," she said.

"I didn't know I could do this, I would have been proud of myself if I did two marathons, I was proud of myself when I did 10, 20, 50, broke the record.

"If you just go out and try, who knows what you can achieve."

Raising funds for at-risk species

Ms Murray-Bartlett began her run with the goal of protecting Australia's endangered animals and the regions they live in, raising money for the not-for-profit Wilderness Society.

"If we don't do anything, significant animals like the koala, they'll be extinct," she said.

"Once an animal is extinct you can't bring it back, I mean this isn't Jurassic Park."

She has raised more than $100,000, which far exceeds her initial goal of $62,000.

Adele Chasson from the Wilderness Society said more than 2,000 animal and plant species were on Australia's national threatened species list.

"That makes Australia unfortunately number one in the world for mammal extinction. And extinction is a choice made by governments and corporations, and we want that to change," she said.

"This will make a huge difference, allowing us to power our work for Australia's wildlife across the country."

Challenges included a wild bull, broken-down car and insects

Ms Murray-Bartlett went through 10 pairs of shoes throughout the more than 6,300-kilometre journey.

"I'm surprisingly okay, I've got very callused, swollen feet. My feet are now a size bigger than when I started," she said.

But despite the physical toll, she said logistics were the most challenging element of running through such varied terrain.


"Every single day we're camping 42 kilometres south … that could be a bridge, that could be a river, that could be anywhere that has a little bit of space," she said.

"Battling the heat every single day was definitely challenging, finding food, because you have to do all that normal stuff and lay it on top of running a marathon.

"There's been so many challenges, the car has broken down — luckily I haven't broken down."

Ms Murray-Bartlett and her team were so plagued by bugs during the trip, she said all the insect repellent and sunscreen left her "sticky for months".

She also had a "terrifying" incident when she was chased by a wild bull in Cape York and needed a car to chaperone her safely through the course.

Ms Murray-Bartlett mentioned the possibility of running through Tasmania, but her top priority was taking a break.

"All I want is to put my feet up and to have a chardonnay, I think that's fair," she said.


(01/17/2023) ⚡AMP
by Georgia Lenton-Williams and Leanne Wong

The iconic Miami Marathon And Half is returning to the streets

The Miami Marathon And Half is returning to the streets of downtown Miami, Miami Beach and Coconut Grove beginning at 6:00am ET on Sunday, January 29. A sold-out cap of 18,000 runners representing 50 states and nearly 70 countries will experience the majestic beauty of South Florida stride by stride.

The strong international demand for a spot in the world-renowned race generated the earliest sell-out in the event's 21-year history – a result buoyed by its USTAF-certified, Boston-qualifying, fast and flat course that showcases Miami's unparalleled cityscape and waterways.

"The event presents something for everyone who runs or walks, and they want to experience it every year," said Frankie Ruiz, co-founder of the Life Time Miami Marathon and Chief Running Officer at Life Time. "This race always has been unique because of the energy and vibe that only South Florida can provide. The Life Time Miami Marathon and all of the activities that go along with it truly present an amazing weekend of fun experiences for the entire family."

New elements in 2023 include:

The Life Time Diaper Derby for 25 babies aged 6-12 months will be held at 2:00pm on Friday, January 27, at the Miami Famous Expo at Miami Beach Convention Center. Babies will make their way across a 10-foot mat for the chance to win awards in four different categories: Speed Demon for the fastest baby on-course; Trailblazer for the baby who forges their own path to the finish; Party Pooper for the biggest crybaby on-course; and awards for the top three overall finishers.

An awards category in support of non-binary runners and gender inclusion. Fourteen non-binary runners are registered to participate.

Local artist, Luis Valle's, painted murals adorning the walls of various local shopping centers, including Sunset Place in South Miami, Midtown Shops, Aventura Mall in North Miami Beach and City Place Doral. Valle's work is also on display all over Miami in restaurants, bars, schools and businesses. Additionally, runners will be adorned with Valle's artistry on the finisher medals of both the Marathon and Half Marathon.

A partnership with The Woody Foundation, an organization formed to transform the lives of people living with paralysis, to provide prize money and travel stipends for those attending from outside South Florida and improve the race experience for pushrim and handcycle athletes.

A special Brightline train from West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale to reduce emissions from cars driving to downtown Miami – adding to the event's array of green initiatives. At 3:43am on race morning, a Brightline train will depart the West Palm Beach station to take runners to the Marathon start line near FTZ Arena in downtown Miami. (The train also will stop at the Fort Lauderdale station.) Healthy snacks to fuel up for the race are included in the $32 fare from West Palm Beach and $27 fare from Fort Lauderdale. Other environmental measures include sourcing water from fire hydrants to move away from water bottles, installing storm drain filters to prevent waste from polluting waterways, and using increased digital signage to avoid paper waste.

The Life Time Miami Marathon And Half operates with the tremendous support of the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority.

(01/17/2023) ⚡AMP
by Life Time
The Miami Marathon

The Miami Marathon

Over the past 16 years of the existence of the current Miami Marathon, there was only just over 90 athletes who had run every single event. Before the inception of the Miami Marathon as we know it now (est. 2003), the race was originally known as the Orange Bowl Marathon which began in the late 1970s. One of our very...


Should you be spending more time on recovery?

Don't overwhelm yourself with pace and distance, focus more on R&R... Repetition and recovery.

Learning to run can be intimidating, especially when you are getting advice from everyone and their uncle on what to do and how to reach your goal. The goal for every new runner is to get more comfortable running, but when you are just starting, you are generally more prone to injury by overtraining or increasing distance too quickly.

How do you find that proper balance between training and recovery, and what should you prioritize? Oliver Roy-Baillaregon, an ultrarunner and physiotherapist at The Running Clinic in Lac Beauport, Que., says beginners should focus more on how often they run and how good they feel afterward, rather than pace or distance.

“There’s a lot of evidence from clinical research and results that show the importance of consistency for injury prevention and long-term adaptation to training for beginners and elites,” says Roy-Baillargeon. In other words, his approach is to run more but less. “Start small, but try to get out every other day, even if it is five to 10 minutes at a time.”

He also believes that however long you run, beginners should spend the same amount of time on active recovery (i.e., stretching, rolling, cross-training.) “This approach is the safest way to let your body gradually adapt to this new stress on your muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, etc.,” says Roy-Baillargeon. “The more you focus on recovery, the better your body will become at coping and handling the stress you put on those muscles during a run.”

Training smart and listening to your body sounds simple on paper—like getting better at anything, it takes practice and a routine. “Ensure you are getting in nutritious meals, rest and downtime before or between runs.

“Simple as that,” Roy-Baillargeon laughs.

(01/17/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

World Athletics ratify Kipchoge’s marathon world record

Eliud Kipchoge’s 2:01:09 marathon world record, along with world U20 records set last year by 100m sprinter Letsile Tebogo and Jamaica’s 4x100m team, have been ratified.

Double Olympic champion Kipchoge won the Berlin Marathon last year, taking 30 seconds off the marathon world record he had set in the same city on 16 September 2018.

The 38-year-old Kenyan went out hard, passing through 5km in 14:14 and 10km in 28:22 – not just comfortably inside world record pace, but also well inside a projected two-hour finish.

He maintained that pace through half way, which was reached in 59:50 – identical to his half-way split when he produced a sub-two-hour run in an unofficial orchestrated race in Vienna three years ago. His pace started to drop slightly from then on, but he was still comfortably inside world record pace.

Ethiopia’s Andamlak Belihu had been level with Kipchoge up until that point, but the Kenyan superstar then gradually pulled clear and was out on his own. He passed through 30km in 1:25:40, then reached 35km in 1:40:10.

By the time he passed through 40km in 1:54:53, his lead had grown to move than four minutes. Kipchoge went on to cross the line in 2:01:09, making this the eighth consecutive men’s marathon world record to be set in Berlin.

“I am overjoyed to have broken the world record,” said Kipchoge. “I wanted to run the first half so fast. After 38km I knew I would be capable of breaking the world record. The circumstances were great, and so was the organisation.”

Botswana’s Tebogo successfully defended his 100m title at the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 22. He had broken the championship record in his heat with 10.00, then won his semifinal in 10.14 before going on to dominate the final in 9.91 (0.8m/s).

His winning time took 0.03 off the world U20 record he had set in Eugene on 15 July in the heats of the World Athletics Championships Oregon22.

“When the gun went off, I had to make sure I made the best start of my life – and it was the best start of my life,” said Tebogo. “As soon as I took my first step, I knew the title was mine. I didn’t worry about the time. I didn’t look.”

Just three days later, another world U20 record fell, this time in the women’s 4x100m. The Jamaican quartet of Serena Cole, Tina Clayton, Kerrica Hill and Tia Clayton teamed up to take the title in 42.59, taking 0.35 off the previous record that the same team had achieved on August 22, 2021 at the previous World U20 Championships in Nairobi.

A similar quartet — but with Brianna Lyston on third leg instead of Hill — had clocked a marginally quicker 42.58 at the Carifta Games earlier in 2022, but it could not be ratified as a record.

Records Ratified

Men’s world marathon record: 2:01:09 Eliud Kipchoge (KEN) Berlin, September 25, 2022 

Men’s world U20 100m record: 9.91 (0.8m/s) Letsile Tebogo (BOT) Cali, August 2, 2022

Women’s world U20 4x100m record: 42.59 Jamaica (Serena Cole, Tina Clayton, Kerrica Hill, Tia Clayton) Cali, August 5, 2022

(01/17/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

Workouts to break 20 minutes in the 5K, tips and tricks for improving your 5K time

There are a few benchmark times for runners. On the the road, they’re the sub-three marathon, sub-1:20 for a half and coming in under 20 minutes for a 5K. If runners had initially planned to train for a race that has since been canceled, taking a stab at improving their 5K times is a great alternative to regularly scheduled programming.

This distance can easily be run in loops around your neighborhood if you’re looking for emotional support, or it can be turned into a nice out-and-back route, if that’s what you prefer. Also, mentally, it’s much easier than completing a half- or full marathon solo. 

Paddy Birch is a 2:24 marathoner and coach with Pace and Mind in Toronto. Birch says lots of the runners he coaches are currently looking to improve at distances they wouldn’t normally contest. “Lots of runners are taking a step back from the marathon to try some shorter stuff. You don’t have to race virtually, but you can set little targets for yourself along the way.” Here’s some advice on how to snag a 5K personal best. 

For the marathoner

Birch says for the marathoner who’s moving down in distance, they’ve got a strong base, but they’ll need to build leg speed. “My ideal speed workout for a marathoner who’s looking to improve their 5K time would be 400m reps. You’re looking to run an uncomfortable pace, but keep it smooth.”

Birch says another simple option if runners don’t have track access is a fartlek workout. “Something super simple like a minute at 5K pace followed by one minute slightly under pace, for example 4:00 and 4:30, can be super effective. You can alternate between paces for up to 30 minutes. It’s a mix of tempo and speed without beating yourself up too much. When runners are coming down in distance, the biggest problem they’ll have is pacing. Don’t hammer too hard to start. You want to be consistent and get comfortable at your race pace.”

For the new runner

If you’re new to running or typically run shorter distances, you’ll want to focus your training on building up strength. Birch says there are a few great workouts for this, including mile repeats, kilometer repeats or working speed into your long run. “For example, mile or kilometer repeats around 4:05 to 4:15 pace would be a great workout. Another option is throwing five to eight 30-second pickups into your long run. This teaches runners how to turn over tired legs.”

For all runners

Birch says consistency is key for everyone. “You can’t hammer everything. It’s always better to make sure that you know the purpose of your run. Your long runs are there for strength and your workouts are there to go fast. If you keep going a similar pace all of the time, you won’t see improvement.”

He also recommends that runners looking to get faster over 5K place an extra emphasis on drills and strides. “When you’re running faster, mechanics become more important. Everyone should be doing more of this stuff, but especially when you’re working on speed.”

(01/16/2023) ⚡AMP
by Madeleine Kelly

Bryan Morseman and Stephanie Hodge crowned Triangle Challenge champions

Bryan Morseman and Stephanie Hodge have been crowned the overall winners of the 46th Bermuda Triangle Challenge.

The PwC Bermuda Marathon, Half-Marathon and Half-Marathon Relay yesterday rounded off the competition which featured competitors also tackle the Butterfield Mile and BF&M 10K Run and Walk.

At the end of three races in three days, Morseman, of the United States, sealed the top honour in the male category with an accumulated time of 4hr 22min 25sec after finishing third in the mile and recording back-to-back victories in the 10k and marathon.

Poland’s Wojciech Kopec finished in second place overall with a total time of 3:22:54, while Kieran Morris rounded out the top three after claiming three successive third places for a time of 3:30:07.

Canadian Hodge capped her 17th Triangle Challenge with overall victory in the female category, building on a third-place finish in the mile with successes in the remaining races for a winning time of 4:22:25.

Britain’s Faith Geraghty settled for second place overall, clocking a total time of 4:30:56 after finishing second in all three events, while compatriot Shelley Jones completed the podium places.

There was also success for a host of local competitors across the various age categories.

Paula Barrow was crowned the overall winner of the female 20 to 29 division, while there was also top honours for Leana Coetsee in the 30 to 39 division. Of the male entrants, Ben Train took top spot in the 30 to 39 age category, while James Rawlins did likewise in the 40 to 49 division.

Meanwhile, American Kristin Corapi claimed victory in the female 40 to 49 category, prevailing over Bermuda’s Zoey Roberts, while there was also success for compatriots Karen Hoch in the 50 to 59 group and Gail White in the 60 to 69 division.

American Daniel Zheng was successful in the male 20 to 29 division, while compatriots Sidy Diallo (60-69) and Joe Schlereth (70 and over) proved victorious. Anthony Collins, of Great Britain, took the honours in the remaining 50 to 59 category.

Elite runners Ellie Stevens and JJ Santana rounded off a memorable visit to the island after being crowned Bermuda Triangle Half Challenge champions.

Stevens, of Great Britain, built on the momentum of a second-place finish in the mile, with successive victories in the remaining events to clock a winning total time of 2:06:28.

American Amanada Nurse (2:08:43) claimed second place, while compatriot Christina Vergara Aleshire completed the top three with an overall time of 2:08:58.

Just like Stevens, American Santana built on a second-place finish in the opening event with successive wins in the 10k and half marathon, clocking 1:45:29 overall.

Bermuda’s Tyler Butterfield finished an impressive second overall in a combined time of 1:50:27, with Elias Graca completing the podium places in 1:51:43.

There was also a standout performance from 79-year-old Jean Gardner, the oldest competitor to tackle the Bermuda Triangle Half Challenge, in finishing fourth overall in the Female 70 and Over division in an impressive time of 4:36:40. Notably the division was won by Maria Duffy, mother of Olympic and record four-time world triathlon champion Flora.

(01/16/2023) ⚡AMP
by Sam Murley
Bermuda Triangle Challenge

Bermuda Triangle Challenge

Surrounded by crystal clear waters warmed by the Gulf Stream, Bermuda is the ideal winter time destination for the active minded traveler. With its lush foliage and pastel colored buildings, Bermuda is one of the most beautiful places on earth. A short flight of 2-hours or less from most US East Coast cities and Toronto, Bermuda only feels like it’s...


Mo Farah: Nine Running Tips

Mo Farah – Olympic 5000m and 10,000m champion (twice), World 5,000m and 10,000m champion (twice) and 2:05 Marathoner. Someone we could all get a few running tips from.

The Sweat Elite team spent a month training in Sululta, Ethiopia in January 2019, whilst Mo Farah and Mudane Team were training towards the London Marathon 2019.

Here are 9 basic running tips from Mo Farah:

For A Quick Energy Boost… “Chocolate – usually dark chocolate – is good for an energy boost. There are all manner of sports snacks that pretend to do wonderful things, but I mostly like to stick to the basics.”

How to Keep Motivated… “When you’re competing, keep reminding yourself how much work has led to that moment. The training you’ve done means you deserve to perform well. That gives a huge confidence boost.”

How Important Are Recovery Days? “The day after a tough workout, you never want to push your body again. The most you should do is a comfortable run (or two) and/or cross training. Don’t have your heart rate up high again.”

Should you carry water during a race?“Drink immediately before or after a 5K or 10K run, but not during it. Running with a bottle puts more pressure on whatever side of your body it’s weighing down, and running well is all about balance.”

Keeping Warm Before The Race… “The morning before a race, I always have to wear my leggings to warm up my muscles. It’s weird, but if I don’t wear leggings in the morning, then I can’t compete in the afternoon. It’s a psychological thing. My coach once said: ‘It’s hot, it’s 80 degrees, take the leggings off!’ But I couldn’t.”

Increase Your Mileage Gradually… “Do not increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 per cent every month. No matter how good you feel, be very gradual. You won’t know you’re overdoing it until it’s too late.”

Strengthen Your Whole Body… “Good runners condition their whole bodies. The arms drive the legs. Keep your upper body and core toned with a lot of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and back raises. Stay away from machine weights and stick to Pilates, climbing, and dynamic flexibility work like yoga.”

Think About Your Posture… “Every motion your body makes should propel you directly forward. If your arms are crossing or you are over-striding, you’re losing force. Your posture should be straight, and your striding foot should land directly underneath you.”

Stay On The Trails If Possible… “Pavement damages joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The more you can run on grass, woodchips or dirt, the better off you are. My athletes run 90 percent of their workouts on soft surfaces.”

(01/16/2023) ⚡AMP
by Sweat Elite

Around 8,000 runners gear up for Ooredoo Doha Marathon

Over 20,000 runners have taken on the challenge of the Doha Marathon by Ooredoo, and this year, many intent to join them.  

Around 8,000 runners are preparing for the much-awaited Ooredoo Marathon, scheduled to start in less than a week’s time.

Qatar’s most popular marathon, held annually since 2013, is finally coming back with yet another exciting challenge for all running enthusiasts in Doha. And as usual, the prize it holds is worth the effort.

“We’re rightfully proud that the Doha Marathon by Ooredoo is consistently one of the most popular events on Doha’s calendar year after year, but this pride must be shared with our invaluable sponsors, without whom we would be unable to present the race,” said Moza Khalid al-Muhannadi, director CSR, Sponsorship and Media at Ooredoo, at a press conference.

“We look forward to putting on yet another incredible event for Doha and for everyone taking part. Best of luck in the race.”

Some participants have told Doha News that the event, set to kick off on January 20, serves as a great motivation for them to improve their physical abilities and stamina to compete. Every year, it is a stronger challenge to be better.

“I participated two years ago for the first time and since then I always look forward to it. This year I even planned my workouts in a way that would make me faster and stronger to finish the full marathon,” Al Jazi, a two-time participant, said.

“I ran a lot of marathons abroad, but this one is different. You almost know everyone around you and it is such a warm, supportive environment. I can’t wait to reach the finish line.”

Others have praised Qatar’s efforts to organise such events that encourage sports and an active lifestyle. Over the past years, the Gulf state has focused extensively on promoting sports and physical activity as part of its 2030 vision.

World-class facilities have been built, major tournaments have been hosted, and various events have been taking place on an almost monthly basis, with great turnout from the community.

Qatar also holds Sports Day in high regards, declaring it an official national holiday to promote being active. Ooredoo marathon, on the other hand, is one of the most prominent national running event in the country.

“Every year I encourage more people to join me, and despite how hard it is, they all love it and come back. It’s one of those things that make you feel rewarded, and pushes you to achieve more and more,” Mohammed Hanni, a physical fitness instructor, told Doha News.

“I’ve been training a lot, so I’m very excited to hopefully break my own record this year.”

Start, end and timing

For this year, Al Jazi, as well as other runners, will start at Parade Pavilion, The Amir’s Grandstand in Al Corniche, and proceed to Katara, Lusail, and back to Al Corniche after the race.

The full marathon will begin at 6.15am, and the half marathon will follow at 7am. Starting at 8.30am, the 10km category will kick off, while the 5km will start at 9.30am.

Finally, at 10.30am, the 1-kilometer category for children will begin.

The 2023 marathon bags a total price of approximately QAR 1 million for all categories, and everyone who finishes their category will receive a medal to mark the achievement.

Special prizes will be awarded to Qatari entrants in each category.

Al-Muhannadi also disclosed that there would be a raffle with an SUV up for grabs. All competitors in the 5km, 10km, 21km, and 42km categories who cross the finish line will be entered into a raffle to win a Volkswagen T-Roc.

(01/16/2023) ⚡AMP
by Menatalla Ibrahim
Ooredoo Doha Marathon

Ooredoo Doha Marathon

We started the Ooredoo Doha Marathon as a way to bring people together, encourage them to live healthier lifestyles and give back to the community. Funds raised by entry fees to the Ooredoo Doha Marathon will be donated to a range of worthy charities in Qatar. The marathon features four courses for all abilities of runners including a full marathon,...


Emily Sisson sets a new half marathon American record in Houston

Emily Sisson shattered her own American record in the half marathon by finishing in 1:06:52. She is now the first American woman to break the 1:07 barrier after placing second behind race winner Hiwot Gebremaryam of Ethiopia, who ran 1:06:28.

Ethiopian Leul Gebresilase Aleme won the men’s half in a sprint finish. He ran 1:00:34—less than a second ahead of runner-up Wesley Kiptoo of Kenya.

Emily Sisson Re-Breaks Her Own American Record

Sisson improved on her record the hard way by going out fast, slowing down slightly through the last sections, and kicking it in towards the finish. After Gebremaryam broke the race open in the first few miles—by 5K, she was already 17 seconds ahead of the chase pack—Sisson ran with Jessica Warner-Judd of Great Britain through 15K. The American record-holder averaged 5-minute mile pace through the first 5K but struggled in the latter half of the course, clocking 5:12 miles around 20K.

“I went out a little too fast the first 5K or so, so the last few miles I was definitely feeling it,” Sisson said on the ABC 13 broadcast.

But Sisson pushed through the discomfort as she neared the finish line to make history once again. “I’m really excited about it. I really wanted to break 67 minutes and I’m happy I did,” she said. “I actually think I could have run a little more evenly so I’m already hoping to run another half and even try to run faster.”

Sisson broke the American record for the first time in May 2022 at the USATF Half Marathon Road Championships in Indianapolis. The Providence College alum won the national title in 1:07:11, four seconds faster than the previous American record set by Sara Hall less than four months earlier at the 2022 Houston Half Marathon.

Prior to the U.S. championships, Sisson came extremely close to the mark on two occasions. When the record was 1:07:25 (held by her former training partner Molly Huddle), she ran 1:07:30 in 2019 and 1:07:26 in 2020.

Last year, the momentum continued in a big way for Sisson when she broke the American record in the marathon. In October, she demolished the time by running 2:18:29 in Chicago—lowering the previous record set by Keira D’Amato at the 2022 Houston Marathon by 43 seconds.

Close Finish in the Men’s Half Marathon

The men’s half marathon featured one of the most exciting finishes of the day. After pulling away from the chase pack together with a few miles remaining, Aleme and Kiptoo battled down to the wire. The East African competitors fought through the homestretch—where Kiptoo kept looking back to assess the distance between himself and his rival—until Aleme sprinted ahead at the last second to claim the victory.

Aleme’s performance follows a breakthrough season, which included a runner-up finish at the 2022 London Marathon in October.

Conner Mantz was the first American to finish after placing sixth in 1:01:12.

Past Greats Return to Racing, While Familiar Faces Make Debuts

In addition to Sisson’s record, there were several other notable performances in the Houston women’s half marathon, including Huddle in her postpartum return to competitive racing. The previous American record-holder finished fifth in 1:10:01 almost nine months after welcoming her daughter. In her 13.1 debut, former 1500-meter specialist and Olympic bronze medalist Jenny Simpson placed ninth in 1:10:35. Also making her debut, Vanessa Fraser finished 13th in 1:11:00. All three had room to spare in achieving the standard to compete at the 2024 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials.

Three-time Olympic champion Tirunesh Dibaba also made her highly anticipated return. In the Ethiopian's first race in four years, she finished 16th in 1:11:35.

(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP
by Runners World
Aramco Houston Half Marathon

Aramco Houston Half Marathon

The Chevron Houston Marathon offers participants a unique running experience in America's fourth largest city. The fast, flat, scenic single-loop course has been ranked as the "fastest winter marathon" and "second fastest marathon overall" by Ultimate Guide To Marathons. After 30 years of marathon-only competition, Houston added the half-marathon in 2002, with El Paso Energy as the sponsor. Today the...


2023 Houston Marathon was one exciting race right up to the finish

Thanks to record-breaking runs and heart-stopping finishes, this year’s races were memorably exiciting.

The Houston Marathon and Half Marathon are two of the fastest races in the U.S., and both occur on one exciting day. The competitive event delivered once again with a record-setting run and several memorable performances on Sunday, January 15.In the closest Houston finish since 1996, the men’s marathon was won by Dominic Ondoro. The Kenyan out-leaned Tsedat Ayana of Ethiopia to claim the victory in 2:10:36. 

The women’s race saw another impressive run with Hitomi Niiya of Japan winning in 2:19:24, more than six minutes ahead of the runner-up. 

What else might you have missed from the Houston Marathon and Half Marathon? Check out the full list of highlights below.

Another Close Call in the Men's Marathon

In the men’s race, Ondoro became a two-time Houston champion six months after winning the 2022 Grandma’s Marathon in June. 

The race also saw Americans achieve three top five finishes. After transferring his allegiance from Ethiopia to the United States last year, Teshome Mekonen has emerged as a rising star among the American ranks. On Sunday, he placed third in 2:11:05. Behind him, Parker Stinson finished fourth in 2:12:11, and Tyler Pennel placed fifth in 2:12:16.

Hitomi Niiya Almost Breaks the Japanese Record

In the women’s marathon, Niiya showed expert tactics by building up her speed through halfway to overtake early leader Muliye Dekeb Haylemariyam of Ethiopia. She continued to hold her position in the second half of the race and extend her lead in the later miles. Niiya was on pace to break the Japanese national record (2:19:12) but fell short by 12 seconds.Haylemariyam finished second in 2:25:35, and fellow Ethiopian competitor Sintayehu Lewetegn placed third in 2:26:33. American Tristin van Ord finished fourth in 2:27:07. Behind her, Maegan Krifchin continued her impressive marathon streak. After running three marathons in one month late last year, the pro runner finished sixth in 2:30:16.


(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP
by Runners World
Chevron Houston Marathon

Chevron Houston Marathon

The Chevron Houston Marathon offers participants a unique running experience in America's fourth largest city. The fast, flat, scenic single-loop course has been ranked as the "fastest winter marathon" and "second fastest marathon overall" by Ultimate Guide To Marathons. Additionally, with more than 200,000 spectators annually, the Chevron Houston Marathon enjoys tremendous crowd support. Established in 1972, the Houston Marathon...


Yalemzerf Yehualaw was just five seconds off her 10k world record in Spain

Ethiopia’s Yalemzerf Yehualaw clocked 29:19 at the Valencia 10K Ibercaja to come within five seconds of her own world record, while Kenya’s Weldon Kipkirui Langat won in 26:55 in a thrilling finish against compatriot Charles Langat at the World Athletics Label road race in the Spanish city on Sunday (15).

Paced by her compatriots Genetu Molalign Yehualaw and Tolcha Guta Beyene, Yehualaw opted for a conservative start, unlike last year in Castellón when she set the current world record of 29:14. The opening 2km was covered in 5:56 with Kenya’s Jesca Chelangat still running at Yehualaw’s shoulder.

The pace increased slightly in the third kilometre as they reached 3km in 8:51; shortly afterwards Chelangat began to lose ground on Yehualaw as the Ethiopian passed through 4km alone in 11:52, a strong headwind contributing to the slowest kilometre of the race. The world half marathon bronze medallist went through halfway in 14:47, 19 seconds down on her half-way split from her world record run.

Chelangat was eight seconds behind the leader at half way, but a comfortable nine seconds ahead of Uganda’s Sarah Chelangat. Kenyan duo Esther Borura and Naomi Chpngeno were another five seconds adrift (15:09).

Yehualaw increased her pace during the second half, covering most kilometres in 2:53-2:54 and reaching 8km in 23:29. After another swift 2:53 kilometre, the Ethiopian was unable to maintain that same cadence over the final kilometre but still held on to finish in 29:19, the second-fastest 10km performance in history.

Further back, Jeska Chelangat finished just outside the 30-minute barrier (30:01) with Borura completing a quality podium in 30:15. Sarah Chelangat set a Ugandan record of 30:24 in fourth, 16 seconds ahead of Chepngeno (30:40). Britain’s Samantha Harrison was sixth in 30:51.

The 23-year-old Yehualaw commented she was a bit disappointed for not having broken the world record but satisfied with her brave effort.

The men’s race kicked off at a relatively brisk pace, the opening kilometres covered in 2:38 and 2:39. The pacemaker dropped out just before the 3km (7:57) and the pace decreased slightly, so Lagat and Kenya’s world 5000m silver medallist Jacob Krop moved to the front in a bid to keep the pace alive. By halfway (13:30), nine men were still in contention for victory.

Despite the annoying headwind over the following kilometres, Krop and Langat managed to maintain a swift cadence in the 2:43/2:45 kilometre range, with Charles Langat always tucked behind them. During the long final straight, Charles Langat tried to overtake Weldon Langat but the latter held off his challenge and crossed the line victorious in 26:55 to equal his PB.

Charles Langat set a massive lifetime best of 26:57 while Daniel Kosen took third in 27:01, an 18-second improvement on his career best. Burundi’s Rodrigue Kwizera placed fourth (27:04) and Krop was given the same time for fifth.

“I’m delighted with my win,” said Langat. “I pushed hard throughout, looking for a fast time, and my tactic paid off.”

Langat missed out on making the Kenyan team for the World Cross Country Championships, so his next outing will be at the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon on 18 February. He’ll then turn his attention to making the Kenyan 10,000m team for the World Championships in Budapest.

Emeterio Valiente for World Athletics

Leading results

Women1 Yalemzerf Yehualaw (ETH) 29:192 Jesca Chelangat (KEN) 30:013 Esther Borura (KEN) 30:154 Sarah Chelangat (UGA) 30:245 Naomi Chepngeno (KEN) 30:406 Samantha Harrison (GBR) 30:517 Vicoty Chepngeno (KEN) 31:058 Brenda Tuwei (KEN) 31:209 Stella Chesang (UGA) 31:3310 Alemaz Samuel Teshale (ETH) 31:39

Men1 Weldon Langat (KEN) 26:552 Charles Langat (KEN) 26:573 Daniel Kosen (KEN) 27:014 Rodrigue Kwizera (BDI) 27:045 Jacob Krop (KEN) 27:046 Rogers Kibet (UGA) 27:077 Dominic Lokinyomo Lobalu (SSD) 27:098 Laban Kiplimo (KEN) 27:159 Richard Kimunyan Yator (KEN) 27:3210 Isaac Kipkemboi (KEN) 27:34

(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
10k Valencia Trinidad Alfonso

10k Valencia Trinidad Alfonso

Around the corner we have one more edition of the 10K Valencia Ibercaja, organized one more year by the C. 10K VALENCIA Athletics premiering the running season in Valencia. It is a massive urban race with more than 3,000 registered annually of 10 kilometers, where the maximum duration of the test will be 1 hour 40 minutes (100 minutes). The...


Ethiopia’s Lemi & Haymanot set course records in Tata Mumbai Marathon

Mumbai sprung to life early on a nippy Sunday morning as over 55,000 people took part in the 18th edition of the Tata Mumbai Marathon.

 Records tumbled in Asia’s most prestigious race as the Ethiopian duo of Hayle Lemi and Anchalem Haymanot won with new course records to take home USD 45,000 winners prize and a course record bonus of USD 15,000 each.

Lemi took advantage of the slow pace in the first half of the men's race.  The 2016 Boson Marathon winner ran alongside the defending champion and countryman Derara Hurisa, Kenyan Philemon Rono and half a dozen other runners as they passed through the iconic Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link towards the halfway mark.

Lemi, Rono and another Ethiopian Hailu Zewdu broke away from the rest of the group at the 26th kilometre.  The three athletes climbed the Peddar Road together on their return journey.  Lemi increased his pace while coming down to enter Chowpatty beach corner and started running on the Marine Drive well ahead of the other two.  His 2:07:32 is an early season lead in the world this year.  Rono clocked 2:08:44 and Zewdu 2:10:23 for the other two places on the podium.

The women started their race at a fast pace and there was a keen tussle between five Ethiopian runners at the midway stage.  Worknesh Alemu, the 2019 champion here, drew from her past experience on the course to take the lead at that point. However, Haymanot, a marathon debutant, broke away from Alemu.  Rahma Tusa, two times Rome Marathon winner, and 2022 Sydney marathon runner-up Letebrhan Haylay ran shoulder-to-shoulder with her.   "Running along with these two experienced runners with fast timings to their credit was really a challenge, but I gained much experience from them,” Haymanot revealed during a post-race press conference.

For the first time, the podium finishers in the women’s section finished under 2:25, as Tusa (2:24:22) also finished under the previous course record of 2:24:33 held by Valentine Kipketer (Kenya) since 2013.

Gopi T made a winning return to competitive action while Chavi Yadav pulled off a spectacular victory on her marathon debut in the Indian race.

Olympian Gopi, the first Indian male to win the Asian Marathon Championship in 2017, clocked 2:16:41 to finish on top of the domestic Elites and 10th overall in the 18th edition of the USD 405,000 prize fund World Athletics Gold Label Road Race.

All eyes were on Gopi who was returning to competition after three years following knee surgery and the Army runner didn’t disappoint as he clocked 2:16:41, and was followed by Man Singh, who was 17 seconds behind, and Kalidas Hirave.

Gopi fell short of the upcoming Asian Games cut-off of 2:15 but said the win in India’s largest marathon gave him a tremendous boost.

“It felt good to be back after three years. I maintained a good pace for the first 30-odd kilometres but slowed down towards the end,” the Army runner told a news conference. “I never give up,” added Gopi, who previously won in 2018.

The 2020 winner Srinu Bugatha finished fifth in 2:23:05.

Bhopal’s Chavi said she was running the classic distance for the first time. “I didn’t run more than 25 km even in training,” she told a news conference. Arati Patil finished second, over 10 minutes behind, and Renu Singh was third.

The Elite Indian podium finishers were richer by INR 500,000, 400,000 & 300,000 respectively.

Meanwhile, Parul Chaudhary bettered her course mark in the women’s half marathon and Murli Gavit won the men’s crown. The podium finishers took home INR 100,000, 75,000 & 60,000 respectively.

(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP
Tata Mumbai Marathon

Tata Mumbai Marathon

Distance running epitomizes the power of one’s dreams and the awareness of one’s abilities to realize those dreams. Unlike other competitive sports, it is an intensely personal experience. The Tata Mumbai Marathon is One of the World's Leading Marathons. The event boasts of fundraising platform which is managed by United Way Mumbai, the official philanthropy partner of the event. Over...


Skating police to be rolled out for "zero-crime" Paris 2024 Olympics

The Territorial Contact Brigade Louvre - Paris Centre, the only roller-skating police unit in France, is to be used for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games as part of its security operations.

Its nine skaters are to be mobilised during the Games as part of a "zero-crime Olympics" plan.

Three team members - Gaël, Antoine and Basile - spoke to French publication 20 Minutes, explaining where they usually patrol on their rollerblades.

Usually, their group visit tourist spots such as Notre-Dame, the Louvre, the Hôtel de Ville and Place Vendôme.

"Most of the time, passersby are curious, rarely disrespectful," said Gaël to 20 Minutes.

Basile and Antoine added that photos with the public are common when on patrol.

"This direct contact with fluid and friendly people is really a plus of our job," added Antoine.

However, during the Games, their role will not change significantly, as explained by their head of the team.

"Their priority mission and the reason for which it was imagined in 2001, is the security of tourist sites and the fight against crime linked to tourist phenomena, namely street vendors, pickpockets and against all scams that can affect tourists, such as hat players, petition scams," said Captain Soulié.

"The goal is to be present in a given sector and to show up to dissuade potential perpetrators of offenses from committing their misdeeds, as well as to reassure the population."n October, French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, said the aim was for a "zero-crime Olympics".

Security has been a key talking point in recent months, with festival organisers being concerned of the status of their events due to the extra forces needed for the Games.

Major festivals such as Lollapalooza and Rock en Seine are still hang in the balance.

Approximately 35,000 police officers and gendarmes are expected to be used at the public-focused Opening Ceremony, with the rest of the Games needing around 30,000 on average.

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11 next year, followed by the Paralympics from August 28 to September 8.

(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP
Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Paris 2024 Olympic Games

For this historic event, the City of Light is thinking big! Visitors will be able to watch events at top sporting venues in Paris and the Paris region, as well as at emblematic monuments in the capital visited by several millions of tourists each year. The promise of exceptional moments to experience in an exceptional setting! A great way to...


The Armory Rebranded as the Nike Track & Field Center

It’s arguably the most famous indoor track in the country. And now, the Armory Track in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood has been rebranded the Nike Track & Field Center at the Armory.

On Thursday, the sporting goods giant officially unveiled the name as part of a multilayered partnership intended to enhance and expand opportunities for children of all ages to take part in the track’s running activities. These include CityTrack, Little Feet and Tiny Feet programs for elementary and middle school kids, an Armory College Prep program for high school students and Armory College Prep Middle School and Great Minds programs for younger children.

More than 1 million miles are run on The Armory track each year and the venerable complex has played host to countless Olympic and World medal athletes who have set more records there than at any other indoor track. It is also the site of the famed Millrose Games.

“The synergy between our organization and Nike cannot be overstated,” said Jonathan Schindel, copresident of The Armory Foundation. “Keeping kids physically, mentally, culturally, socially and intellectually fit during their school years, and beyond, is paramount. The best way to achieve this is to develop healthy, well-rounded children who are prepared for success in and out of the classroom, instill in them a love and passion for movement, and provide them with fun opportunities to develop this passion. Now thanks to Nike, we will be able to ensure that children in our neighboring communities of Washington Heights, Inwood and Harlem will continue to have such opportunities, while enabling us to expand our outreach.”

The Armory Foundation copresident Rita Finkel added that the track will also benefit from Nike’s “expertise in running, youth play, sports and movement,” as well as its relationships with many of the top athletes and events including the Nike Indoor Nationals, the top high school indoor event.

“Our partnership with The Armory Foundation underscores Nike’s deep commitment to ensuring that communities have access to running and opportunities to play and stay active,” said Roderick Blaylock, vice president of NYC Nike Inc. “The Armory is not only one of the preeminent track and field facilities in the world, but it also has a long history of preparing students as young as fourth grade for higher education and college. Rooted in our belief that running and sports have the power to bring people together, we are teaming up with The Armory to champion community and athletes.”

Among the upcoming events at the track will be the HBCU Showcase on Jan. 14 where high school students will learn about campus life at approximately 20 prestigious Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as well as the Millrose Games on Feb. 15 and the Nike Indoor Nationals, slated for March 10 to 12.

The event also served to introduce the Nike ZoomX Invincible Run Flyknit 3 running shoe.

(01/15/2023) ⚡AMP

The 2023 Houston Marathon is set to take place this weekend: Here’s what you need to know

The weather is expected to be a bit warmer this year, reaching the mid 60s on Saturday and the 70s on Sunday.

Tens of thousands of runners are set to participate in the 2023 Chevron Houston Marathon and Aramco Houston half marathon this weekend.

On Saturday morning, the We Are Houston 5K will began at McKinney & Crawford:

6:30 a.m. — 5K race day packet pick-up opens

7:50 a.m. — Wheelchair start

8 a.m. — Race start

On Sunday, the Chevron Houston Marathon & Aramco Houston Half Marathon will start at Congress & Fannin:

6:50 a.m. — Marathon and half marathon wheelchair start

7:01 a.m. — Marathon and half marathon start

During a press conference on Friday, Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said hundreds of law enforcement will be present during the race.

“Please, if you see something, say something,” Finner said.

The weather is expected to be a bit warmer this year, reaching the mid 60s on Saturday and the 70s on Sunday, according to Space City Weather.

Dr. Lars Thestrup, the medical director of the Houston Marathon Committee urged runners to use their best judgement during the race and to take it slow, if needed.

“This is may not be the year to attempt for a personal best on your half or your full marathon. You may want to take it a little slower,” Thestrup said. “The key is respect your limits and listen to your body.”

Thestrup said a total of 22 aid stations will be set up along the course, along with 20 medical bike teams in case of emergencies. He added that several METRO buses will be located along the route to serve as cooling stations for runners.

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Lucio Vazuez
Chevron Houston Marathon

Chevron Houston Marathon

The Chevron Houston Marathon offers participants a unique running experience in America's fourth largest city. The fast, flat, scenic single-loop course has been ranked as the "fastest winter marathon" and "second fastest marathon overall" by Ultimate Guide To Marathons. Additionally, with more than 200,000 spectators annually, the Chevron Houston Marathon enjoys tremendous crowd support. Established in 1972, the Houston Marathon...


Usain Bolt missing millions from investment fraud scheme

The world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, has run into some financial issues in Jamaica after his manager reported the sprinter is missing millions of dollars from an investment account with Jamaican firm Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL).The eight-time Olympic champion’s manager told Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner that Bolt had noticed discrepancies with his accounts on Jan. 11 and has since launched an investigation with Jamaica’s Financial Investigations Division and Financial Services Commission.

Bolt has reportedly been a client of the investment firm for 10 years, but the firm has no idea where the money went; they suspect fraud.

“His entire portfolio is being reviewed,” said his manager Nugent Walker to the newspaper. Walker did not specify the exact amount of money missing from Bolt’s account, but claimed it is in the millions.

However, The Gleaner reported that a former SSL employee has been involved in a widespread fraud scheme, which may relate to the same developments in Bolt’s case.

Representatives for Bolt and SSL did not respond to requests for a comment on this story.Bolt is one of the highest-earning track and field athletes of all time, earning a reported 33 million dollars in 2016 alone. In 2018, Bolt was listed as the 45th highest-paid athlete in the world, according to Forbes.

Bolt set the 100m and 200m world records at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, where he won double gold. He is the only sprinter to have won three consecutive Olympic gold medals in the men’s 100 metres and 200m, from Beijing 2008 to Rio 2016.

Since 2017, Bolt, 36, has stepped away from athletics, besides racing one unofficial 800m for an insurance advertisement.

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Britton Wilson Breaks Athing Mu's Collegiate Indoor 600m Record

Razorback Britton Wilson opened the indoor track season with a collegiate record as runner-up in the 600m on Friday evening during the Arkansas Invitational held at the Randal Tyson Track Center.

Wilson posted a time of 1:25.16 over the distance, breaking the previous collegiate record of 1:25.80 set by Texas A&M’s Athing Mu in 2021.

Razorback volunteer Shamier Little won the race in 1:24.65, which ranks No. 5 on the U.S. all-time list and No. 7 on the world all-time list. Third in the race was Arkansas alum Shafiqua Maloney in 1:27.45.

For Wilson, her mark ranks No. 7 U.S. and No. 10 world all-time. The previous UA record of 1:27.29 was set in December of 2021 by Morgan Burks-Magee. Wilson had a time of 1:30.34 in her debut at the distance last year.

Victories for the Razorbacks included Ackera Nugent with a world-leading 8.00 in the 60m hurdles, moving to No. 5 on the UA all-time list. Arkansas alum Taliyah Brooks finished second in 8.13 as both hurdlers bettered the meet record of 8.13 held by Payton Chadwick since 2018.

Paris Peoples also registered a world-leading effort of 53.10 in the 400m in leading a 1-2-3 sweep with teammates Ashanti Denton runner-up in a career best 53.68 while Aaliyah Pyatt finished third in 53.79.

Racing at the mile distance for the first time indoors, freshman Mary Ellen Eudaly clocked a 4:43.01 to lead a 1-2-3 Arkansas finish. Eudaly bettered her outdoor mile time of 4:51.99. Finishing behind her with a pair of career best times were Heidi Nielson (4:44.79) and Laura Taborda (4:45.77).

A sweep of the top four places in the 200m had Rosey Effiong leading the way in 23.45 as Amber Anning finished second in 23.47 while Nickisha Pryce set a PR of 23.76.

Alum Jada Baylark won the 60m in 7.25 while Ariane Linton was the top Razorback at 7.46 for fifth. Linton ran 23.93 for fourth in the 200m. Gracie Hyde won the 800m in 2:13.50.

Racing a pair of relay teams in the final section of the 4 x 400, the Razorbacks registered world-leading times of 3:30:38 and 3:30.79.

The winning squad included Anning (52.64), Wilson (51.60), Pryce (52.59) and Denton (53.55). The runner-up crew had Peoples (54.09), Effiong (51.51), Joann Reid (52.15) and Pyatt (53.04).

The women’s opening event produced a career best for Sydney Billington as she cleared 5-10.75 (1.80) in placing second in the competition. Billington, who had a previous best of 5-10, cleared five consecutive bars on first attempts before missing three attempts at 6-0 (1.83).

Texas A&M’s Bara Sajdokova, who needed two attempts at 5-10.75, cleared the 6-0 height on a third try for the win.

Kaitlyn Banas led a 4-5-6 finish for the Arkansas vaulters with a clearance of 13-6.5 (4.13). Grace Ridgeway matched that height to set a career best in fifth place. Bailey McCorkle and Marin Chamberlin each cleared 13-0.75 (3.98) to place sixth and eighth.

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Shawn Price

More Prize Money Is Flowing Into Trail Running. What Does That Mean for the Sport?

Annie Hughes, one of the top trail runners in the U.S. for the past two years, had another amazing season running ultra-distance races in 2022. On September 17, the 24-year-old Hoka-sponsored runner and part-time college student won the Run Rabbit Run 100 in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, her fourth win of 100 miles or longer since April. Earlier this year, she won the Coldwater Rumble 100 in January, Cocodona 250 in April and the High Lonesome 100 in July. 

Those were all exceptional efforts in really challenging races, but the big difference she experienced after crossing the Run Rabbit Run finish line, 21 hours and 26 minutes later, was that she won $17,500. (And yes, she was handed one of those cartoonish, oversized checks at the awards ceremony.)

Run Rabbit Run is one of the rare American trail races that offers a relatively large prize purse, and for a decade, it's been the largest in the sport. Hughes earned $15,000 for winning the women's race and split another $5,000 with Arizona trail runner Peter Mortimer (who placed 12th overall) as part of the event's new team competition.

"That wasn't the reason I was drawn to the race, but it was definitely pretty cool to win that much money," Hughes said. "I'm glad I did it, because it wound up being a really great race with an amazing course on a beautiful day."

The origins of trail running were always more about the joy and freedom of ambling through the natural world, and less about the specific time and pace of any run or race, which is why winning big cash prizes is mostly uncommon in the sport, even for top-tier runners like Hughes. Over the past two years, Hughes has won 10 races of 50 miles or longer, yet her Run Rabbit Run victory was the first time she's ever earned money for her efforts. 

More sponsorship money and bigger cash prizes are flowing into the sport, helping the top athletes earn a full-time living in the sport and become global stars. But that evolution has also created a desperate need for a unified governing body and more consistent drug-testing as doping becomes a more acute concern.

A Windfall of Prize Money

Historically, America's biggest and most notable trail running races haven't offered any prize money at all-Western States 100, Hardrock 100, Dipsea Trail Race, Leadville 100, Mount Marathon Race, Seven Sisters, Black Mountain Marathon/Mount Mitchell Challenge-partially because races simply couldn't afford to pay it, and also because, at the soul of the sport, that's not what the races were historically about or why most top runners were competing. 

But with the continued growth of the sport-trail running has grown by 231 percent over the past 10 years, according to one report-and the dawn of a new level of professionalization over the past decade, there is a lot more money being injected into the sport. That includes more high-profile events and race series, more brands investing in the sport, more sponsored runners and trail running teams, as well as a growing expectation that prize money should be part of the equation as it is in road running, triathlon, and even obstacle course racing.

For many years, The North Face 50 near San Francisco was one of the only ultra trail races in the world to offer a significant prize purse. From its inception in 2006, until it disappeared after 2019, that race famously awarded $30,000 in prize money, which included $10,000 to the top finishers in the men's and women's races, plus $4,000 for second and $1,000 for third. It was a race to look forward to at the end of the calendar year, both for the cash awards and the prize-induced competition that drew top runners from around the world.

During that span, Run Rabbit Run, though a lower-profile race, quietly began dishing out some of the biggest payouts in the sport, in part because race organizers Fred Abramowitz and Paul Sachs believe in rewarding its top athletes for their efforts (as well as giving back to the community via even bigger charitable contributions). The race winnings come primarily from entry fees of the 600-runner event and sponsors, if and when the race has them. That wasn't possible back in the early days of the sport, when entry fees were minuscule and cash sponsors were mostly non-existent, but things have started to change.

Abramowitz and Sachs, who both earn their living as attorneys, are unique in that they want to give back to the elite athletes and the Steamboat Springs community, but they also want to help grow the sport. Abramowitz outlined what he calls "A Blueprint for Sponsors of Ultra Running," a three-page document that explains how and why trail ultrarunning-both as a sport and as individual races-can connect to more casual runners, sports fans, and the general public. 

He points to the rampant growth of NASCAR, Professional Bull Riding, and professional poker over the past 20 years from their roots as fringe sports, relatively speaking, to mainstream spectacles with massive fan bases, TV contracts, and social media followings. Trail and ultrarunning aren't there yet, Abramowitz has noted, but they've certainly been growing rapidly.

"Today millions watch those events, though the actual number of participants is minuscule," Abramowitz wrote in his missive. "Ultrarunning can learn from these events: it needs new ideas, new ways of attracting the already committed runners and the casual sports fan to our terrific sport. Fields need to be competitive and races [need to be] dramatic; there are hundreds of 100-mile races, but those that offer competitive fields are a handful at most. Most ultra-races offer spectacular scenery in interesting venues." 

Abramowitz said sponsors should support races such as Run Rabbit Run that offer prize money not merely because it's good for sport, but also because prize money can attract competitive fields, and competitive fields attract interest-from spectators, participants, potential sponsors, and the general public. He also points out that having prize money at more domestic races is a way to keep the sport from becoming entirely Euro-centric, which has been an increasing trend in the past several years.

The trend of cash purses seems to be increasing, and on the face of it, that's good for elite athletes capable of podium finishes. But it's a complex topic and one that certainly will simultaneously increase the competitiveness of the sport while, some argue, continue to pull the sport away from its organic, racing-in-nature roots that was mostly viewed as the antithesis of competitive road racing. 

On the same day Run Rabbit Run paid out  $75,000 in total prize money, the Pikes Peak Ascent awarded $18,000 in prize money for its top 10 finishers-including $3,000 apiece to the men's and women's winners-while the Pikes Peak Marathon, on September 18, had an additional $10,500 in total prize money for the top five runners. The races also offered $2,000 (Ascent) and $4,000 (Marathon), respectively, as course-record bonuses, and a $10,000 premium to any runner surpassing a pie-in-the-sky time well ahead of the course records. None of those records were broken, but the $28,500 in total prize money-partially backed by  the Salomon-sponsored Golden Trail Series-was one of several large prize purses offered at U.S. races this year.

Other big American prize purses were also primarily tied to the Golden Trail Series events-the $50,000 spread over four races at the mid-June Broken Arrow Sky Races in Olympic Valley, California, and the September 25 Flagstaff Sky Peaks 26K race in Flagstaff, Arizona, where runners competed for $18,000 in prize money and a chance to compete at the Golden Trails World Series Final, and the $15,000 winner's earnings at the Madeira Ocean & Trails 5-Day Stage Race in October. 

Also of note, the November 18-20 Golden Gate Trail Classic paid out $25,000 in total prize money to the top five finishers in both the 100K and half-marathon races, which were part of this year's nine-race $270,000 Spartan Trail World Championship Series.

Meanwhile, the Cirque Series, sponsored by On, paid out $3,600 in total prize money at each of its six sub-ultra mountain running races in the U.S., including $1,000 for the men's and women's winners. The Mt. Baldy Run-to-the-Top on September 5 in Southern California offered $3,000 to runners who broke the event's longstanding course records, and Joe Gray and Kim Dobson obliged by taking down each mark.

Most U.S. Trail and Mountain Running Championships have a minimum of $2,000 in prize money. Typically that comes from regional sponsors eager to support the local race organizations, such as the case with Northeast Delta Dental's contributions behind this year's Loon Mountain Race in Lincoln, New Hampshire, which hosted the U.S. Mountain Running Championships. That event had a $1,500 total prize purse that was paid out to the top three men and women in each race, but it also had an additional $1,500 for an Upper Walking Boss premium that was spread among the top three fastest times in each gender on the super-steep upper part of the course.

Meanwhile, the 2022 World Mountain and Trail Running Championships in Thailand paid out $66,000 to the top five finishers over four races, including $4,000 to the winners of each event.

"(The prize money) is way better than it's ever been, both for the athletes earning it and the number of sponsors who are contributing to it," says Nancy Hobbs, executive director of the American Trail Running Association and the chairperson of the USATF Mountain Ultra Trail Council that oversees national championship races and the U.S. Mountain Running Team. 

From a longer view over the past decade or so, Joe Gray agrees there is more money coming into the sport than ever before. As a top-tier pro since 2008 and 21-time U.S. champion, he's regularly won more prize money at high-level races in Europe for more than a decade. But more than the growth of prize money, he has seen more brands interested in putting money behind athletes, races, and the sport in general.

"I think there has always been prize money there, and if you're successful you could make a lot more money really quickly," said Gray, a two-time World Mountain Running Champion. "I do think there is more money coming from the sponsors paying out better contracts and bigger bonuses, which I think will wind up being more beneficial to athletes overall."

Most elite trail runners get annual stipends from their sponsoring brands and bonus money for top performances. Gray is backed by Hoka, but he also has sponsorship deals with Fox River Socks, Kriva, Never Second, Knockdown, Tanri, Momentous, Casio, and GoSleeves. In addition to Hoka, Annie Hughes gets additional support from Ultraspire, Coros, and Tailwind Nutrition. But the life of professional trail runners-independent contractors who don't get healthcare and retirement program benefits-can get expensive with the growing cost of travel, regular bodywork/physio treatments, and private health insurance. 

The sport's top-tier elite athletes-Joe Gray, Kilian Jornet, Courtney Dauwalter, Jim Walmsley, Maude Mathys, and Scott Jurek, among others-make a good living from their sponsorships. But there are really only a handful American trail runners making more than about $50,000 a year from shoe brand sponsorships. (Most "sponsored" trail runners are making somewhere between $10,000 to $30,000 per year.) The bottom line is that winning prize money, for those who are fast enough to consistently finish on the podium in big races, certainly helps make ends meet and is necessary to keep the sport's top athletes from having to work other jobs so they can focus entirely on training, recovery, and racing.

"This [2022] is the first year I've gone all-in on trail running," said Hughes, who worked as a waitress in Leadville the previous two years. "I'm able to live off what I make, but I'm not really saving anything. So it was really nice to win that money because then I can put some away in savings."

Higher European Standards 

So far, Abramowitz appears to be right about the sport shifting to more of a European focus, and it's, at least in part, tied to the increased prize money that has attracted competitive athletes. While many top-tier European events have paid out modest prize purses for years, some of those races have also helped out visiting runners by way of travel stipends, hotel accommodations, or appearance fees. That's partially because European races are generally larger (500 to 1,000 participants or more) than U.S. races (typically fewer than 500 participants).

Unlike Hughes, who only raced in the U.S. this year, American runner Abby Hall, who runs for the Adidas-Terrex team, raced three times in Europe and earned prize money each time. She placed second in the Transgrancanaria 126K in the Canary Islands in March (which doubled as the Spartan Trail World Championship), finished third in the CCC 100K in Chamonix in August, and won the Transvulcania by UTMB 72K back in the Canary Islands in October.

Like Hughes, Hall receives an annual stipend and race bonuses from her sponsor, but admits it's been nice to have more opportunities to win money-both because it helps her make a living wage and because it's consistent with other professional endurance sports.

"In the past, it hadn't even been a consideration before, for how income would work out as an athlete," Hall said. "But this year it actually added up to be a decent amount. I'm grateful for the opportunities."

In 2022, American runner Hayden Hawks won an off-the-radar 100K a race in Krynica, Poland, and brought home the 100,000 zloty winner's prize ($26,000), one of the bigger individual purses ever awarded in trail running. In 2017, when Hawks won the CCC race, he didn't win anything because UTMB had refused until 2018 to offer prize money at its races, partly because race founders Catherine and Michel Poletti have believed that increased prize money will bring more incentive for some athletes to consider doping or that agents would take too big of a cut. 

UTMB finally began offering prize money to podium finishers in 2018 with a total purse of about $34,000 (35,000) and continued that through 2021. But after forging a business relationship with Ironman and launching the new UTMB World Series, it has increased the prize money awarded in Chamonix. In 2022, UTMB said it paid out about $162,000 in total prize money (the approximate equivalent of its stated 156,000 prize purse) to the top 10 men and women finishers of the UTMB, CCC, and OCC races.

That includes $10,400 to the winners of each of those races, with approximately $5,200 going to second-place finishers and $3,125 for third. Fourth- and fifth-place finishers in each of those races earned about $1,500, while 6th through 10th took home $1,000.

While those more notable ultrarunning paydays can be big windfalls for a trail runner, they still pale in comparison to what elite-level road marathoners and triathletes earn at the biggest races that have a much larger audience, including live TV coverage. For example, the 2022 Boston Marathon awarded $876,500 in prize money and $150,000 to the winners, while New York City Marathon paid out $530,000 in total prize money at its November 6 race, including $100,000 to the men's and women's winners. The 2021 Ironman World Championships in St. George, Utah, had a $750,000 prize purse, including $125,000 to the winners, similar to what was awarded at the 2022 Ironman World Championships October 6-8 in Hawaii. 

While only a few top trail runners could have opted to pursue a marathon or triathlon career instead of trail running, what's more relevant is the spike of growth trail running. Although it is not yet internationally televised as major marathons and triathlons are, the surge in participation and livestream viewing options is starting to bring in more media attention and sponsorship money than ever before. And more media attention begets more participation and professionalization. 

"I think we'll definitely see ultra-trail running continue to grow for years to come," says Mike McManus, director of global sports marketing for Hoka. "I think it's at a point where it's just on the cusp of the real growth that's coming and all that will come with it, similar to where the marathon was in the 1980s and triathlon in the 1990s. It might never be as big as marathoning, but trail running will definitely get more built out as it continues to grow."

"It's nice to make some money for the sport we do. This is my job, and being able to support my family with a decent chunk of money is pretty nice," Hawks says. "I definitely don't go after races just for money, but if there is a gap in my schedule where I can win a little bit of money, I am definitely going to take advantage of that for sure. I want to continue to be in this sport and live this lifestyle as long as I can, so knowing that there are sponsors and races investing more in runners is something I am really grateful for."

The Ongoing Dilemma

While Abramowitz and Sachs have been eager to give out prize money at Run Rabbit Run, not all races are equipped to do so. Many U.S. races are garage-shop operations that barely break even, while some are just too small to make it happen. The Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run (WSER) is operated by a non-profit organization, and offering prize money goes against the mission of the race, says race director Craig Thornley.

The biggest concern that race directors have, including Thornley, is that prize money attracts athletes willing to use performance-enhancing drugs because the sport lacks a comprehensive anti-doping strategy that includes both post-race testing and out-of-competition testing.

"In general, I think the prize money is probably a good thing because professional athletes are able to make a living," Thornley said. "But I think, as a sport, we'll probably have to be more aware of people trying to use drugs or some other ways to get that prize money." 

A few years ago, the Western States 100 famously announced its zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) that prohibits any athlete who has been determined to have violated anti-doping rules or policies-by World Athletics, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), or any national sports federation-is ineligible for entry into the WSER. Although Western States has regularly drug-tested its top finishers, only a few other big trail or ultra-distance races test its finishers with a WADA-sanctioned program.

Thornley believes the incentive to cheat has probably increased as more brands have stepped up to sponsor athletes, but the increase in prize money probably makes it more tangible. 

He's not the only one. Ultrarunning coach and podcaster Jason Koop, an outspoken proponent for authentic drug-testing in the sport, agrees, saying that it's time for the sport to collectively start developing mandatory drug-testing protocols, even on a small scale. While he doesn't believe doping is prevalent in trail running, he believes it's definitely already an issue.

"People would be fooling themselves if they thought that every trail running performance was clean. If you think that that's the case, then I have a bridge to sell you," Koop says. "Prize money or no prize money, I think the bigger thing is that the ecosystem is developed enough and there is enough financial reward at stake to where everyone kind of owes it to everybody else to get something done."

In other words, it's time for the sport to take some next steps-either by big governing bodies or small factions of people interested in the long-term health of the sport-to develop more structure and universal anti-doping policies.

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Trail Runner Magazine

Low winter motivation? Three minutes of intense activity could save your life

Many of us experience a dip in motivation during the shorter, colder days of the fall and winter months, and find it hard to fit in regular training. A new study out of the University of Sydney reports that people who averaged a few quick bursts of physical activity a day were significantly less likely to die prematurely.

Here’s what you need to know to keep the health benefits rolling in, even if you don’t feel like going for a long run.

The study

In an analysis of more than 25,000 middle-aged adults who did not participate in any regular leisure exercise like running, researchers determined that if participants were able to rack up three very short bouts of vigorous activity a day, they had a 39 per cent lower risk of death than those who did no vigorous activity.

University of Sydney’s Professor Mark Hamer, who led the study, shared with the Guardian: “This could be things like playing with children. It could be [that] you see your bus just about to leave so you have to walk extremely quickly to get the bus.”

“It may be that you live in a block of flats and you have to carry that shopping up a flight of stairs,” Hamer adds. “It’s those sorts of little bursts that would happen in everyday life.”

The participants all wore fitness trackers–similar to smartwatches–on their wrists to monitor activity levels throughout the day. While the results seem striking, Hamer says they align with what other research has shown.

“Small-scale trials have shown that very small doses of vigorous intermittent activity can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, a vital predictor of longevity,” he explains.

The takeaway

What does this mean for runners? It’s a great reminder that anything is better than nothing–substantially better, in fact. If you can’t find the motivation to log your usual mileage, make the effort to get in a few short bursts of intense movement throughout the day.

While your running strength and speed need regular training to improve, if you’re simply looking to stay healthy through the winter, this is reassuring news. Try running up the stairs in your house a few times, racing your kids down the street or adding a few speed-walking intervals to your dog stroll. Make a few minutes a day count, and you’ll still reap remarkable health benefits.

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Australian surfer to run marathon in thongs

Sam Hensen-Thompson of Perth, Australia, has never been a runner or a fan of “land sports,” but one day after he could not find a pair of running shoes for a trot along the beach path, he decided to take matters into his own hands and run in style wearing his beach thongs.

Now, after a few runs in thongs, the 24-year-old surf coach is determined to complete a marathon.

Thongs, not to be mistaken for women’s underwear, is the Australian term for flip flops or sandals. The Aussie version comprises a rubber sole held to the foot by two straps that meet between the first and second toes.

For what started as a 10K jog, Hensen-Thompson worked his way up to a respectable 1:51 “thong” half marathon last week. “The half was not easy, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought,” says Hensen-Thompson. “It took 11 kilometres to settle in, then I put the hammer down for the last 10.”

“I’m planning to do the marathon in late February, but currently sorting out logistics and where to finish,” says Hensen-Thompson.

It’s currently the middle of summer in Perth, and many of the marathons in Western Australia are during the winter season. “I want to accomplish this goal ASAP,” he says. If his marathon goes well, Hensen-Thompson is considering running 100 km in thongs.

Hensen-Thompson says the last time he ran was in high school. “I consider myself more of an ocean man,” he laughs. “I have been training for the marathon though—don’t worry.”

The goal of his run is to raise $5,000 for a specific cause very close to him: “I am raising money for Perth Children’s Hospital. As a surf coach, I deal with kids every day—the thought of making an impact on kids pulls a few of my heartstrings,” he says.

Hensen-Thompson will be sporting the Aussie thong brand Pistol Menace for his marathon. “These beauties are designed for all-terrain,” he says. “They are wider and thicker than your traditional thong, making them more durable and comfy for the long haul.”

(01/14/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Shalane Flanagan’s stir-fry recipe: a ‘choose your own adventure’ meal

Every household should have an easy, quick stir-fry to whip up on busy days, and Shalane Flanagan‘s recipe, packed with veggies of your choice, is versatile and easy to match the tastes you’re cooking for.

Flanagan, a four-time Olympian (twice in the marathon) and the 2017 New York City Marathon champion, may be retired from professional competition, but she’s still a busy coach for Bowerman Track Club, a mom, and co-author of three cookbooks with her former teammate and friend, Elyse Kopecki.

Flanagan says her family counts on a weekly stir-fry to use up what they have at home and suggests: “choose your own adventure, but aim for a range of colors to max out nutrition potential.”

Shalane and Elyse’s Eat the Rainbow Stir-Fry

Ingredients (marinade)

8 ounces skinless chicken, chopped

2 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp lime juice

2 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp minced garlic and/or ginger


2 Tbsp high-heat oil (like sesame, avocado or safflower oil)

1/2 large or 1 small onion, sliced

2 heaping cups chopped hard vegetables (broccoli, carrots, celery)

1 heaping cup sliced soft vegetables (snap peas, bell pepper, cabbage, box choy, mushrooms)


Place the chicken, soy sauce, lime juice and honey in a quart-size zipper bag and shake to combine. Leave out for 20 minutes to allow meat to marinate and come up to room temperature (for even more meat flavour, marinate overnight in the fridge).

Heat a wok or high-sided sauté pan over high heat. Add the oil, onion and hard vegetables. Cook, stirring frequently until the veggies begin to brown–about five minutes.

Turn the heat down to medium-high, add the soft vegetables, and sauté for about two minutes. Add the chicken with the marinade and sauté, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is cooked through, about five minutes.

Use a clean spoon to serve on top of brown rice or quinoa (or noodles) and drizzle with your favourite sauce, like sriracha or peanut sauce.

Flanagan’s tips: Prep all the veggies before frying, and chop veggies to similar sizes so that they cook evenly. Cook hard vegetables first, and moisture-rick ingredients last, and make sure your pan is really hot (and keep it hot). Don’t walk away: stir-frying means quick cooking over high heat with frequent stirring.

(01/13/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Defending champion Hurisa eyes winning return in Tata Mumbai Marathon

Defending champion Derara Hurisa is back to where his marathon journey began — the prestigious Tata Mumbai Marathon — as he eyes a winning return from injury in the upcoming 18th edition on Sunday, January 15.

The 25-year-old Ethiopian clinched the 2020 crown with a blistering course record of 2:08:09 and went on to win both his outings over the classic distance in 2021 — Vienna and Guadalajara Marathon (Mexico) — but was disqualified in Austria due to a shoe technicality.

He spent 2022 recovering from a hip injury.

“I’ll try to defend my title, but the competition here is really good,” Hurisa told a news conference on Saturday. “My training was nice, with the focus on the Tata Mumbai Marathon,” he added.

In the men’s field, 10 runners hold personal bests under the course record, including Hurisa’s compatriot and training partner Hayle Lemi.

The 28-year-old is a winner of seven marathons, including the Boston Marathon in 2016 and Dubai in 2015. “The conditions here look good for me,” said Lemi, a.k.a. Lemi Berhanu, runner-up in the 2021 Boston Marathon in 2:10.37 and with a preference for warm weather.

Leading the Kenyan charge in the men’s International Elite field of 16 is Philemon Rono, the training partner of marathon legend Eliud Kipchoge. “My training has been good, I just got to go out there and express myself,” said the 31-year-old, who finished an impressive sixth at the 2019 Boston Marathon and won the Toronto Marathon for the third time that year in 2:05:00.

The women’s International Elite field will feature 2019 winner Worknesh Alemu of Ethiopia and the 2020 runner-up from Kenya, Rodah Jepkorir Tanui, and six runners with personal bests under the course record (2.24.33), headlined by the experienced Kenyan Sharon Cherop.

The 18th edition of the USD 405,000 prize fund World Athletics Gold Label Road Race takes place after a two-year pandemic-forced break and will also witness over 55,000 amateurs across six categories on its much-awaited return.

The elite men’s and women’s winners will take home USD 45,000 each. The runners will be further incentivized by a Course Record Bonus of USD 15,000.

(01/13/2023) ⚡AMP
Tata Mumbai Marathon

Tata Mumbai Marathon

Distance running epitomizes the power of one’s dreams and the awareness of one’s abilities to realize those dreams. Unlike other competitive sports, it is an intensely personal experience. The Tata Mumbai Marathon is One of the World's Leading Marathons. The event boasts of fundraising platform which is managed by United Way Mumbai, the official philanthropy partner of the event. Over...


Hate hills? Here’s how to change that, pro ultrarunner Emelie Forsberg shares her tips and favorite uphill workouts

Hill workouts can be tough. They are also a powerful tool for building strength, making your body injury-resistant, and translate to speed on the flats: if you can learn to enjoy them it’s much easier to get out there.

“I love the feeling of being able to push myself to the max, as if the resistance is my friend,” Norway-based ultrarunner and ski mountaineering pro Emelie Forsberg shares in her book Sky Runner.

Try these tips and workouts to find your groove as you test out (or build on) your hill-climbing abilities. You, too, may soon be loving your uphill sessions.

Find the right technique

Forsberg suggests trying to make hill running as comfortable as possible by finding the right technique for the hill you’re on. For very steep hills she suggests switching between two methods of climbing: walking very fast with large strides, pushing against your thighs with your hands and arms, and taking shorter, faster steps with a higher turnover rate.

“Neither of these are faster than the other, but it’s nice to switch between the two techniques to use different muscle groups,” Forsberg explains, noting that she finds the shorter strides harder so opts to work on them more often in training. “I want to train with what I’m less comfortable with.”

Easier hill intervals

Forsberg suggests trying this session (adjusting the number of intervals to your ability) if you’re new to hills or returning to interval training, and says the pace and effort “should feel manageable the entire time.”

Warm up with 10 minutes easy running

10 x 2 minutes, easy run downhill for recovery (approx one minute)

Cool down with 10 minutes easy running

Hill sprints

“This is a very explosive exercise that can be very hard,” shares Forsberg, suggesting runners start moderately with fewer repetitions and increase accordingly. “It’s much more fun to get a positive surprise rather than never wanting to do the exercise again,” she explains. We definitely agree.

Warm up with 10 minutes of easy running

10 x 30 seconds of hard running with 30 seconds rest

Repeat 3x, with 2 minutes of recovery time in between each block

Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running

After a challenging uphill or speedwork session, make sure to take a recovery day or do some very easy running.

(01/13/2023) ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne

Yalemzerf Yehualaw will challenge her global mark of 29:14 this weekend in Valencia

Get ready for some quick times on Sunday (Jan 15) when the self-styled “ciudad del running” stages its annual 10km Valencia Ibercaja event on its famously fast roads.

Many of the world’s top distance runners will descend upon the Spanish city this weekend in search of record-breaking performances. These include Yalemzerf Yehualaw, who will attack her own women’s world record of 29:14 set in Castellón 11 months ago.

The 23-year-old impressed over the marathon last year, too, as she clocked what was, at the time, the world’s fastest ever debut by a woman with 2:17:23 in Hamburg before later capturing the London Marathon title in 2:17:26.

British athletes are in Valencia in force too. The Spanish road race clashes with the trial in Perth, Scotland, for the World Cross Country Championships, but many have opted to slip on their super-shoes rather than spikes to chase PBs on the road.

Yehualaw is the star attraction and will wear No.1 on her singlet on Sunday, but she is joined in Valencia by fellow Ethiopian Ejgayehu Taye, who holds the world 5km record with 14:19 from Barcelona in 2021. In addition, Karoline Grøvdal of Norway will attack the European record of 30:05 held by Lonah Salpeter of Israel.

In the men’s field, sub-27min performers Richard Kimunyan Yator and Weldon Kipkirui Langat of Kenya plus Rodrigue Kwizera of Burundi lead the men’s entries in a field of around 11,000 runners which is set to feature about 100 elite athletes from 15 different nations.

Jacob Krop, the world 5000m silver medallist and 12:45.71 runner on the track, is also in the line-up together with Paul Chelimo of the United States, while Morhad Amdouni and Jimmy Gressier of France lead the European challenge.

Their target is Rhonex Kipruto’s world record of 26:24, which was set in this event in 2020.

“We want the men to approach the European record (27:13 by Julien Wanders set in Valencia in 2020) and, with the African armada, to look for sub-27 records and even approach the world record,” said Acuña. “The 2023 race will be the most competitive of all editions. The best European athletes want to run the 10km Valencia Ibercaja – and we have been working for months in that direction.”

He added: “The goal of the race is to become more international year after year and reach more and more countries. We are a world reference for the distance and the best athletes want to run in Valencia.”

Don’t be surprised to see the UK all-time rankings revised on Sunday when a large contingent of British athletes tackle the Valencia 10km.

They are led by Samantha Harrison, who already sits No.5 on the UK all-time rankings with 31:10 from Telford in December.

Calli Thackery, the fifth quickest British woman in history over 5km with 14:58, is also set to compete. Add to this Olympic marathoner Steph Twell, plus Amelia Quirk, Lucy Reid and Sarah Astin.

One week after out-kicking Jake Wightman indoors over 3000m, Phil Sesemann takes to the roads looking to beat his 28:24 PB from 2019.

The Mahamed brothers – Mahamed and Zak – are also in the line-up, plus Olympic 5000m finalist Andy Butchart, Efrem Gidey, Ellis Cross, Calum Elson and Kadar Omar.

The list goes on with Kieran Clements, Jack Gray, Jonathan Hopkins, Alfie Manthorpe, Lewis Jagger, Ronny Wilson, Jonny Davies, Alex Lepetre, Jonathan Escalante, Dan Studley, Norman Shreeve and Corey De’Ath. 

(01/13/2023) ⚡AMP
by Jason Henderson
10k Valencia Trinidad Alfonso

10k Valencia Trinidad Alfonso

Around the corner we have one more edition of the 10K Valencia Ibercaja, organized one more year by the C. 10K VALENCIA Athletics premiering the running season in Valencia. It is a massive urban race with more than 3,000 registered annually of 10 kilometers, where the maximum duration of the test will be 1 hour 40 minutes (100 minutes). The...


Albert Korir, Shura Kitata and Gabriel Geay confirmed to take on Kipchoge in Boston

Major marathon winners Albert Korir and Shura Kitata, as well as 2015 world champion Ghirmay Ghebreslassie, are among the many additions to the men’s elite field for the Boston Marathon on April 17, organizers of the World Athletics Elite Platinum Label road race announced today (11).

Today’s announcement expands upon four previously announced men’s entrants including world record-holder and double Olympic champion Eliud Kipchoge, reigning Boston Marathon champion Evans Chebet, 2021 winner Benson Kipruto, and two-time victor Lelisa Desisa.

It brings the total number of sub-2:07 performers in the field to 15. Eight of those have bettered 2:05.

Korir, the 2021 New York Marathon champion, made his Boston debut last year and finished sixth. But Kitata, who beat Kipchoge to win the 2020 London Marathon champion, and Ghebreslassie will be making their Boston Marathon debuts.

Tanzanian record-holder Gabriel Geay is the third fastest man in the field, after Kipchoge and Chebet. Geay, who finished runner-up at the Valencia Marathon last month in 2:03:00, has had success racing on the roads of Boston, winning the 2018 Boston 10K and placing fourth at last year’s Boston Marathon.

“I am excited to be returning to the Boston Marathon this year,” said Geay. “I fulfilled a dream by racing in Boston last year, but my goal is to one day win the race, and I hope that 2023 will be my year.”

Brazilian Olympian and national record-holder Daniel Do Nascimento will make his Boston debut, as will Ethiopia’s Herpasa Negasa, a 2:03:40 marathon runner. Augustine Choge, one of the most versatile runners in the world, will also line up in Boston, hoping to conquer the marathon distance once and for all.

After a 2:08:16 marathon debut in Chicago last year, USA’s Conner Mantz will take on the Boston course for the first time. He will be joined by world 50km record-holder CJ Albertson.

(01/13/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


Ollie Hoare to defend Wanamaker mile title at Millrose Games

Organizers of the Millrose Games have announced that Ollie Hoare will defend his Wanamaker Mile title at the World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold meeting in New York on February 11.

Hoare, the Commonwealth 1500m champion, won last year’s Wanamaker mile in an Oceanian indoor record of 3:50.83.

“I’m thrilled to be able to come back and defend my Wanamaker title,” said the Australian. “It will be great to be out there competing at one of my favorite mile races in the world.”

He will take on a field that includes 2021 US 1500m champion and Olympic finalist Cole Hocker, European bronze medalist Mario Garcia Romo of Spain, US Olympian Yared Nuguse, NCAA record-holder Eliud Kipsang of Kenya, 2017 world finalist Johnny Gregorek, three-time New Zealand champion Sam Tanner, world indoor and outdoor finalist Neil Gourley, as well as USA’s Josh Thompson, Sam Prakel and Drew Hunter.

(01/12/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
NYRR Millrose Games

NYRR Millrose Games

The NYRR Millrose Games,which began in 1908 as a small event sponsored by a local track club, has grown to become the most prestigious indoor track and field event in the United States. The NYRR Millrose Games meet is held in Manhattan’s Washington Heights at the New Balance Track & Field Center at the Armony, which boasts a state-of-the-art six-lane,...


Track legend Jenny Simpson puts her most challenging year behind her as she turns to the roads in 2023

After a year in which her world was turned upside down, the track legend has a new sponsor and new event as she makes her half marathon debut in Houston on Sunday.

As the Marshall Fire approached her house on December 30, 2021, there was a brief moment where Jenny Simpson thought to herself, I can’t believe I’m doing this. The house Simpson shares with her husband Jason was formerly a schoolhouse, built in 1900 and located in Marshall, Colo., 15 minutes southeast of Boulder. And on that day, it was under threat from what would eventually become the most destructive fire in state history.

The fire, spread by wind gusts of over 100 miles per hour, was moving quickly. As thick smoke enveloped their property, choking their lungs and blocking their vision, the Simpsons prepared for the worst. Trying to limit the burn, they watered down the yard with hoses, inadvertently soaking their clothes as the wind blew the spray everywhere. Then, as the flames moved in, Simpson took one last lap around the house, grabbing their laptops, their Jack Russell terrier Truman, and a bag containing her running medals and memorabilia — one she had assembled a month earlier while being interviewed for a documentary and fortunately had yet to unpack.

Simpson, like many of us, had previously had that conversation about the one thing you would grab if your house was burning down. She had always answered with her Bible, handed down to her from her great-grandmother Genevieve Schermerhorn (“Grandma Jenny”), for whom she was named. So, as she grabbed the Bible from her office and dashed out of the house, it hit her: I think I’m grabbing the thing that you get because we might lose everything.

By the time Simpson made it to her car, she no longer knew where Jason was or whether he would make it back to the car — the smoke was so dense, it was difficult to see. He eventually made it and they sped away from their house, not knowing when they would return — or if the house would still be there when they did.

Over the course of two days, Marshall Fire would ultimately burn over 6,000 acres, destroy over 1,000 buildings, and cause over $500 million in property damage, making it the most destructive fire in Colorado history. It was a traumatic event for Simpson and her community.

Though the Simpsons’ home survived the fire, it sustained damage, forcing them to live elsewhere while it was repaired. They bounced around from a hotel to the spare bedroom of some friends from church to, eventually, a sparse apartment near the University of Colorado campus, living out of a backpack with the few things they had managed to grab from their home before the fire hit.

“It’s hard to describe how stressful that time was,” Simpson says.

On top of that, Simpson was working through a sports hernia and stress reaction in her right hip — the most significant injury of her career — and her professional future was less certain than ever. During the 2010s, few athletes were more consistent and dependable than Simpson. From 2007 through 2019, Simpson made all nine World/Olympic teams for the United States, piling up 11 national titles, three World Championship medals, and an Olympic bronze in 2016. That success led to a series of lucrative contracts from her sponsor, New Balance, and, as a highly-ranked athlete, health insurance from USOPC.

But Simpson’s New Balance contract expired at the end of 2021 — just two days after the fire that displaced her from her home. On January 1, she lost her health insurance coverage from USOPC (to qualify for coverage, an athlete had to have medalled at either the 2019 Worlds or 2021 Olympics, finished in the top 12 at the 2021 Olympics, or finished the season ranked in the top 15 in the world in their event; Simpson no longer met any of the criteria). As 2022 began, she still had Jason, and she still had the support of her longtime coaches, Mark Wetmore and Heather Burroughs. But the other constants in her life suddenly weren’t so constant.

“This last year, I felt more vulnerable than ever,” Simpson says. “The major safety nets in my life have been being a top-performing athlete and being in the tier system and in the USATF system, being a New Balance athlete and knowing I have a future there and my security at home. And my health. All of those things were really wobbly and testy and some of them fell apart in the last year.”

Rebuilding and replacing

One year has passed since the fire that upended Simpson’s world. Some elements of her life have been rebuilt, others replaced. The Simpsons moved back into their house in Marshall on April 1, and after months of work, she says it is 100% back to normal. Her body is also back to full health. That too required months of work.

Simpson had felt pain in her hip area during the fall of 2021 and though she didn’t give it much thought initially, it grew into something that significantly disrupted her training. Even as 2022 began, she remained in denial. After her streak of making teams ended at the 2021 Olympic Trials, Simpson knew she couldn’t afford to miss time if she was to return to her best.

“Pushing through cross training, pushing through the life challenges that we were going through, I definitely made my circumstances a lot worse,” Simpson says. “And I don’t think that’s unusual for runners. That’s kind of in our nature.”

Simpson was determined to avoid surgery, but realized such a path would require a more conservative approach. As winter turned to spring, Simpson, reluctantly, began to back off the intensity to allow her body to heal.

“The toughest thing about having a sports hernia injury and choosing to rehab and go that route and not jump straight into surgery is that it’s just slow,” Simpson says. “And none of us that are athletes, I think in particular runners, want to take anything slow.”

Simpson did not race at all last spring or summer, missing USAs for the first time since 2006 and missing the chance to represent the US at the first World Championships held on American soil. Simpson is now healthy again, but she’s still rebuilding the fitness she lost in 2022.

Another pillar of Simpson’s life — her New Balance contract — had to be replaced rather than rebuilt. Simpson did not want to go into specifics, but says that while New Balance verbally offered her a deal at a reduced level from her previous contract, the two sides ultimately could not reach an agreement. Eventually, Simpson, who had not used an agent since 2014, hired Hawi Keflezighi to negotiate a new deal and announced a sponsorship agreement with Puma in October.

Leaving New Balance behind was painful. Simpson signed with the company coming out of the University of Colorado in 2010, and after 12 years together had envisioned staying with the brand in some fashion for the rest of her life. Seconds after crossing the finish line in 10th in the 2021 Olympic Trials 1500, Simpson looked at the scoreboard and saw that Elle St. Pierre, Cory McGee, and Heather MacLean — all New Balance athletes — had gone 1-2-3 to make the team; Simpson was the first to congratulate them. She figured that, even once her racing days were over, there would still be some sort of role for her at New Balance.

“My whole future in sport and beyond was about how can I take what I’m learning in my career and make that in any possible way benefit the women’s team in the future,” Simpson says. “So seeing that [1-2-3 at the Trials] and knowing there was a strong middle distance future here and how can I continue to pour into that, that’s what I thought my future was.”

A move to the roads and a new beginning

For the first decade of her professional career, Simpson’s running life was fairly straightforward. She was consistently one of the best in the world in her event, meaning she could enter any race she wanted and was always in-demand from her sponsor (two of the reasons she went without an agent for so long). Every year since rejoining Wetmore and Burroughs in 2013 (she was coached by Juli Benson from 2010-12), she would sit down with them and figure out how to be at her best in the biggest race of the year, either the World Championship or Olympic final. More often than not, she succeeded.

But after failing to make the Olympic team in 2021, Simpson began to ponder her athletic mortality. She was nearing her 35th birthday and had a few options if she wanted to stay in the sport.

“The biggest consideration was, do I move up to the 5k, do I try to run a great 10k, or do we do something totally different?” Simpson says.

(LetsRun founder Robert Johnson will be devastated to learn Simpson did not mention the steeplechase, the event in which she won two US titles and set the American record in 2009).

Simpson dipped her toes into Option C by running the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in September 2021 (she finished 2nd in 52:16). Midway through 2022, she had fully committed to the roads.

“It’s always been part of the plan that I would give the roads some good years of my career,” says Simpson. “And I think I just saw those really good years becoming fewer and fewer and I realistically wanted to make the transition before I was so, not just physically tired, but also just emotionally drained and psychologically drained from the intensity of it.”

The last few years, Simpson carved out a niche as a mentor to some of the up-and-coming athletes in the Colorado program. As a volunteer assistant at CU, Simpson was able to watch runners like Dani Jones and Sage Hurta at practice, then aid their transition to the professional ranks by traversing the circuit alongside them as a competitor/friend. With Simpson’s move to the roads, that period of her career is over.

“I think that’s what I’ll miss the most, is feeling like I get to be a little bit of a mother hen for the [Colorado] women that are doing really well and have a future as a pro in the sport,” Simpson says.

Now, Simpson is heading into the unknown. The training, obviously, is different. Though Simpson ran relatively high mileage for a 1500 runner — it was not uncommon for her to hit 80 miles in a week — she is now running 80+ regularly, doubling up to five times per week. During her track career, a long workout for Simpson would consist of 12 or 14 by 400m. Now she’s running 2k and 3k repeats on the track.

“That’s a long way to go for someone like me,” Simpson says. “…You go out on the first lap or two and you think, Are you kidding me? This is it? But it doesn’t stay easy for very long.”

Simpson has also had to educate herself about the road races themselves. When we first spoke for this story in November, Simpson admitted that, outside of the World Marathon Majors, she didn’t know many of the major road races and was still learning about how they stacked up against each other in terms of prestige.

Part of that is due to how the sport is structured. Track is simple: Worlds or the Olympics is the end goal and the rest of the season is built around that. The roads are different — people reach top fitness at different times. For marathoners, it’s fairly intuitive — pick one race to peak for in the spring and one in the fall. But Simpson isn’t a marathoner (yet). For road racers at shorter distances, it’s more choose-your-own-adventure.

Simpson’s plan: sit down with Wetmore and Burroughs, pick a race to gear that year’s training around, and attack it like they would a World Championship or Olympics.

“Even though it’s not to the world a big World Championships, it will be Mark and Heather and Jenny’s World Championships,” Simpson says.

As for the marathon, Simpson would not commit to running one eventually, but did not rule it out either. She watched Jason, after years of grinding, finally qualify for the Olympic Marathon Trials at CIM in 2018 and knows how difficult the event is. She has no desire to rush into one.

“It is really freaking hard,” Simpson says. “You don’t know for sure that your body is suited for it just because you’ve been a good runner…What it will take for me to run a marathon? If I have a great half and I feel like my body’s handling that workload really well, we’ll absolutely do a marathon. Because at that point, you’ve gotta find out, right?”

Next stop: Houston

The big question hanging over all this: will Jenny Simpson be any good on the roads? It’s no certainty that prime Simpson, the one who won a record eight Fifth Avenue Miles, would have been a force over 10k and beyond, much less the 36-year-old version coming off the most disruptive injury of her career.

Thirty-six is not necessarily old by distance standards, though. Last year, Keira D’Amato broke the American marathon record at 37 and Sara Hall broke the American half marathon record at 38. Like Simpson, both were for a time milers on the track before moving up — though it took each several years before their big breakthrough.

After down years in 2021 and 2022, logic says Simpson could have a tough go of things. The bar for success, certainly, will have to be recalibrated. At her best on the track, Simpson was one of the top three women in the world in her event. That level of accomplishment is virtually impossible for her on the roads, but could she become one of the best in the US in the 10k, half, or marathon?

Her road debut at Cherry Blossom in 2021 was auspicious (2nd place, 52:16), her appearance at last fall’s USATF 5K champs in New York less so (she was 17th in 16:07, 39 seconds behind winner Weini Kelati) — though Simpson wasn’t fully fit in New York and knew that going in.

2023 will be the real test of whether Simpson has anything left to give on the roads. And for Simpson, 2023 begins in Houston, where she will make her half marathon debut on Sunday. There is a lot riding on the outcome, which is how Simpson likes it. She has yet to pick that one race that she will plan her 2023 season around; Houston will help her make that decision.

“This will kind of chart my course of whether we stick with the half marathon, whether I start dreaming about a marathon, or whether I say maybe it’s better for me to get back on the track, spike up, and do some faster stuff over the next year,” Simpson says.

Simpson says that while her training has gone well, the adjustment to training for the half marathon has been more challenging than she expected.

“When I ran Cherry Blossom and I ran 5:14/mile pace the whole way, the idea of running 5:10’s for a half marathon (67:43 pace) seemed right around the corner,” Simpson says. “Now having gone through a year of injury and a lot of other life challenges, I’m having to adjust what I think my half marathon debut is going to look like.”

Simpson will have Jason with her as a pacer on Sunday and said they will plan to go out faster than her pace at the Army 10-Miler in October, a race she won in 54:16 (71:08 half marathon pace). She says she has a time goal in mind but elected not to share it. Her main hope is that she can finish the race well. During her track career, Simpson was famous for her strength in the final 100 meters, but in her last two road races, she felt as if she was holding on for dear life at the end.

Simpson will step to the line on Sunday with an uncertainty that did not exist during her track career. When Simpson started a 1500-meter race, she came armed with knowledge gleaned from years of experience. She knew exactly what sort of time she could expect her workouts to translate to and how to respond tactically to every race scenario. In the half marathon, she’s starting over.

“That’s one of the trepidations of going into the race in Houston is that I’m so used to having such a clear idea of what I am capable of,” Simpson says. “My race in Houston will be as much of a discovery as the training has been.”

Even Simpson admits she doesn’t know how many more years she’ll continue to race professionally. A few years ago, she had scripted out a storybook ending for herself: a fourth Olympic team in Tokyo and a home World Championships in front of friends and family in Eugene. Make those two teams, she thought, and she would have total freedom to do whatever she wanted afterwards, whether it was continuing to race on the roads, pursuing a coaching career, or starting a family.

That, of course, did not happen. In professional sports, endings rarely go according to plan. But Simpson is embracing the adventure that comes with her new path, wherever it leads.

“The idea I had in mind was kind of cool, but there are some things that we’re now looking forward to that I couldn’t have even imagined,” Simpson says. “And if it turns out that way, it will end even better.”

(01/12/2023) ⚡AMP
by Jonathan Gault
Aramco Houston Half Marathon

Aramco Houston Half Marathon

The Chevron Houston Marathon offers participants a unique running experience in America's fourth largest city. The fast, flat, scenic single-loop course has been ranked as the "fastest winter marathon" and "second fastest marathon overall" by Ultimate Guide To Marathons. After 30 years of marathon-only competition, Houston added the half-marathon in 2002, with El Paso Energy as the sponsor. Today the...


Strava receives criticism after raising prices 25 per cent

As the world’s most popular social networking app for endurance athletes reaches 100 million users worldwide, Strava informed users that they will be raising membership fees by 25 per cent in 2023. The cost to join will jump from $7.99 to $11.99 a month. The Internet wasn’t too enthused to hear about the price hike, especially after the company offered a 25 per cent off coupon for memberships at the end of 2022. 

The new pricing structure will only apply to new users in the U.K. for now. Those who have been grandfathered in won’t see a price rise until the following month or year (depending on their plan).

According to an online report, the price hike comes less than a month after Strava laid off 38 employees. The report shows that multiple former employees confirmed the news on their LinkedIn page, a social network used for business and employment.

The price hike is scheduled to apply to users in Canada and U.S. on Feb. 6. The decision to increase the prices has prompted criticism on Twitter from users who have been members for years. Strava has yet to comment on the decision-making behind the price increase.

One Twitter user said, “I can post my outrage over the increase or cancel my membership but $80 per year is still far less for something I use every day than one pair of super shoes… which you only use for two or three days.” 

(01/12/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Three running habits to break right now

New seasons, new years, new months–really, any day can be the perfect one to make a fresh start and break some training habits that might not be serving you. Here are a few common habits (hey, most of us have been guilty of at least one of them) that runners should toss as soon as possible. Ditch these old ways of training–or at least give it a try, and see if switching things up works for you.

1.- Trying to make your runs look good on Strava

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as both a coach and an athlete, it’s this: over the long term, the workouts that build strength, power and endurance don’t come across as sexy on Strava. Consistency works. Sometimes that means you’ll be hammering out a snappy tempo run, but usually that means just getting out the door for easy mileage. If you’ve ever avoided a hill because you wanted to nail a certain pace on Strava, you could probably benefit from taking a Strava-snooze from worrying about what others think.

It’s definitely OK to be proud of what you’re accomplishing in your running journey. If you ever find yourself getting too fixated, though, use the handy Strava setting to make your running record private, even for a short time. You might find you feel less stressed about the data showing up and able to focus more on the consistent effort you need to put in.

2.- Running solo (or in a group) all of the time

It’s really easy to get in a comfort zone of running alone all the time, or feeling like you need your running buddy or group as motivation to get out the door. Everyone has their preference, and it’s completely fine to enjoy most of your training alone or with your running pals. Switching it up every so often is healthy, though, in a few ways. Research has shown us that trying new (and possibly uncomfortable things) is good for our brains and may contribute to longevity.

You will probably be surprised at how much you enjoy the change of pace and dynamic. After a few months of running solo, my husband and I joined a local running group for a 10K run while we were traveling. We made new connections, felt inspired to return, and left discussing how we needed to head out to our own local group more often. We’re not saying you need to change your ways entirely! Just be open to changing it up every so often.

3.- Eating less on your recovery days

Just stop this. If anything, really dial in and focus on eating well and hydrating on your recovery days, when you have a little more time to think about it. Far too many runners cut down their intake on recovery days because they aren’t plowing through as much energy without a workout–but the real secret to recovering quickly and being able to bounce back after hard sessions is making recovery days the time to focus on replenishment and proper sleep.

Recovery time is when strength is truly built–our bodies repair damaged tissue and prepare to work hard again. In order for your body to do that, it needs energy. Fuel it well, regardless of how many kilometers you logged that day.

One more: taking any advice as black and white (even this)

Almost everything, even in running, is full of nuance and answers that only serve most runners some of the time. Becoming a strong runner means trying new and different things and finding what works best for you. Keeping an open mind to new suggestions, opportunities, and different paths (and trails) helps keep both your muscles and neurons firing, and may help keep a smile plastered to your face as you train.

(01/12/2023) ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne

Boston Athletic Association announces 2023 Boston Marathon men´s field

The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today the men’s professional field for the 127th Boston Marathon, featuring 15 men who’ve run under 2:07 for the marathon distance, as well as multiple Abbott World Marathon Major race champions, Olympic and Paralympic stars.

Today’s announcement expands upon four previously announced men’s entrants including world record holder and double Olympic gold medalist Eliud Kipchoge, reigning Boston Marathon champion Evans Chebet, 2021 winner Benson Kipruto, and two-time victor Lelisa Desisa. A total of 109 men’s athletes from 21 countries are in this year’s professional field across the men’s Open, Wheelchair, and Para Athletics Divisions.

“The Boston Marathon is known for its competitiveness, with many races decided in the final meters on Boylston Street,” said Mary Kate Shea, B.A.A. Director of Professional Athletes. “This year’s field brings together athletes who’ve excelled at both speed and championship-style racing. Combined with the women’s professional field announced on Monday, this will be the fastest and most decorated Boston Marathon across all of our divisions in race history.”  

Behind Kipchoge and Chebet, the fastest man in the field will be Tanzanian national record holder Gabriel Geay, who finished runner-up at the Valencia Marathon last month in 2:03:00. Geay has had success racing on the roads of Boston, winning the 2018 B.A.A. 10K, placing fourth at last year’s Boston Marathon, and finishing in second and third at the B.A.A. Half Marathon in 2019 and 2018, respectively.

“I am excited to be returning to the Boston Marathon this year,” said Geay. “I fulfilled a dream by racing in Boston last year, but my goal is to one day win the race, and I hope that 2023 will be my year. Thank you, Boston for the opportunity!”

Joining Geay will be past Abbott World Marathon Majors winners including Albert Korir of Kenya (2021 New York City champion), Ghirmay Ghebreslassie of Eritrea (2015 World Championships gold medalist and 2016 New York City champion), and Shura Kitata of Ethiopia (2020 London Marathon champion). Brazilian Olympian and national record holder Daniel Do Nascimento will make his Boston debut, as will Ethiopia’s Herpasa Negasa, a 2:03:40 marathoner.

Last year’s seventh-place finisher and top American, Scott Fauble, returns for his fourth Hopkinton-to-Boston race, and will be joined by 50K world record holder CJ Albertson. After a 2:08:16 marathon debut in Chicago last year, Conner Mantz will take on the Boston course for the first time. He is coached by Olympic marathoner Ed Eyestone.

“I love the Boston Marathon. It’s one of the greatest sporting events in the world,” said Fauble. “It has a way of bringing the best out of people.”

"Boston is such a historic marathon, and I want to be a part of that history,” said Mantz. “I love the aspect of racing with no pacers and hills that break up rhythm, and Boston has both of those. When you add in the competition Boston is bringing this year with Eliud Kipchoge and many others, it makes the race so exciting!"

Ben True, a Maine native and four-time winner of the B.A.A. 5K, also is part of the American field. B.A.A. High Performance Team members Matt McDonald, Paul Hogan, and Jonas Hampton will have the hometown edge; McDonald set a new B.A.A. club record and lifetime best of 2:09:49 in Chicago last fall.

American Daniel Romanchuk will return as defending champion in the wheelchair division, coming off a 1:26:58 victory last April. Romanchuk also won Boston in 2019 (1:21:36), though he looks to be challenged by wheelchair marathon world record holder and reigning Paralympic marathon gold medalist Marcel Hug. Hug returns in search of his sixth Boston Marathon title and holds the Boston course record of 1:18:04. In 2022 the Swiss ‘Silver Bullet’ won the B.A.A. 5K in 10 minutes, 5 seconds, a course record time.

“Nothing can compare with the excitement and anticipation at the Boston Marathon,” said Romanchuk. “I’m incredibly excited and honored to be part of what should be a great race through the hills and all the way to Boylston Street.”

Aaron Pike, last year’s wheelchair division runner-up, and Ernst van Dyk, a ten-time Boston winner, are also racing. A $50,000 course record bonus is available to any open division or wheelchair division athlete who breaks a course record.

Paralympians Matthew Felton and Atsbha Gebre Gebremeskel lead the Para Athletics Division in the T46 classification (upper-limb impairment). American record holder and Massachusetts native Chaz Davis will look to defend his T12 (vision impairment) Para title.

Headlining the T62 and T63 classification are Marko Cheseto Lemtukei and Brian Reynolds. Cheseto Lemtukei earned a victory in 2:37:01 last year, while Reynolds set a pending T62 world record of 1:25:46 at the B.A.A. Half Marathon in November.

“A perfect society is one that sees diversity of its members as her strength,” said Cheseto Lemtukei, who returns as a two-time Boston Marathon Para Athletics Division champion.

The 127th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023 – Patriots’ Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts—and will feature 30,000 participants. 

(01/11/2023) ⚡AMP
by Boston Athletic Association
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


Toronto man runs entire subway system in cool challenge

On Saturday morning, Alex Cutulenco may have found a better way to deal with Toronto traffic: he ran 96 kilometers, covering all of the city’s TTC subway lines, in under nine hours.

Cutulenco wanted some motivation to get back on the roads in the new year, so he registered for the TTC Virtual Challenge through the Canada Running Series. The TTC Virtual Challenge requires participants to walk or run 76.5 kilometers (the length of Toronto’s subway system) anytime before January 31. (Registration is now closed.)

“I am always looking for new challenges and ways to make winter running fun,” says Cutulenco. “I wanted to take this challenge to the next level. When I drew out the entire course, matching the TTC lines, and saw that it yielded nearly 100K, which felt up my alley.”

Cutulenco started his run at Vaughan Metropolitan Center, which is approximately 25 kilometers away (and a 50-minute ride) from Toronto’s Union Station. Then he headed south to Union, then north toward Finch, marking the end of Line 1. “Line 1 was the hardest part,” Cutulenco says. “From Union to Finch is all uphill, but thankfully I had several running friends there to support me during my challenge.”

Out of the 96 kilometers, Cutulenco states he ran solo for only 17 of them. “My biggest fear was my brain not being capable of navigating down the home stretch,” he laughs. 

His friends from his BlackToe training group and his wife, Sofia, supported him over the eight hours and 57 minutes of running, while Cutulenco averaged a speedy 5:30/km pace. “Without the support, this challenge would have never been possible,” he says.

“My wife thought I was nuts by the end of it,” laughs Cutulenco. “I am not sure if I’ll be touching the ultramarathon distance anytime soon, but maybe once (Toronto’s) Eglinton TTC line is finished.”

Cutulenco crossed his virtual finish line at Etobicoke’s Kipling Station, marking the end of Line 2, only 20 kilometers south of where he started in Vaughan. 

The 29-year-old is no stranger to running cool accolades and accomplishments. In November, he was second at the Road2Hope Hamilton Half-Marathon in 1:13:18, and in September, he was one of the top Canadian finishers at the 2022 Berlin Marathon.

(01/11/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Fit-again Philemon Rono bullish ahead of Sunday's Mumbai Marathon

Fit-again Philemon Rono remains optimistic ahead of his Mumbai Marathon on January 15, in Mumbai, india.

Rono, popularly known as 'Baby Police' due to his pint-sized stature, Rono said he has managed to fend off a calf injury in time for his first outing of the year.

“I missed last year’s last season due to an injury but I have fully and ready for the Mumbai race,” said Rono, who is based at the Global Sports Communication in Kaptagat.

Rono, who won the 2017, 2018 and 2019 Toronto marathon will be up against defending champion Derara Hurisa from Ethiopia, who clocked 2:08:09 to break the course record of 2:08:35, set by Kenya’s Gideon Kipketer.

“I want to have a better time in India. I have competed in some half marathons in the country but I am heading there for my first marathon. I have previously run in New Delhi and Bangalore,” he added.

Abshero, who was second behind Hurisa at this event last year, comes to this race with the fastest time of 2:04:23 set while winning the 2012 Dubai Marathon.

Rono established himself globally as a pacemaker, pacing for former world marathon record holder Wilson Kipsang (2:03:23). The 31 year-old trains alongside world marathon record holder Eliud Kipchoge, two-time world champion Abel Kirui, Laban Korir, Augustin Choge among other top stars.

(01/11/2023) ⚡AMP
by Emmanuel Sabuni
Tata Mumbai Marathon

Tata Mumbai Marathon

Distance running epitomizes the power of one’s dreams and the awareness of one’s abilities to realize those dreams. Unlike other competitive sports, it is an intensely personal experience. The Tata Mumbai Marathon is One of the World's Leading Marathons. The event boasts of fundraising platform which is managed by United Way Mumbai, the official philanthropy partner of the event. Over...


Four emergency hacks for race day malfunctions

As runners, we settle for nothing but the best. We put our bodies through months of training for a few hours of hard work and glory. You can prep as much as possible for an upcoming race, but that doesn’t guarantee smooth sailing on race day. Although we tend to plan for the best-case scenario, you should also prepare for the worst.

If you come across any of these race day malfunctions, here are four hacks to overcome them.

1.- Safety pin broken shoelaces

Most shoelaces are durable, but you never know when the eyelids or laces will give out. If either happens to you on race day, use one of the four safety pins holding up your bib number to create a new eyelid or reconnect the lace together. The safety pin will hold up tougher than you think, keeping your shoes fitted on and race goals intact. 

2.- GPS can’t connect? Go old-school

Sometimes it takes a while for GPS watches to pinpoint your location and calibrate with satellites, especially in big cities. This might seem like the end of the world while standing at the start line, but don’t panic. 

Instead of sticking your wrist in the air while trying to sync up. Use the watch’s stopwatch function for the time being, and wait until the watch connects to the satellites.

Most races in this day and age have distance markers at every mile or kilometer, therefore, there isn’t any need to look at pace or distance on your watch anyways.  

3.- Chafing during warm-up

Another race day malfunction beyond your control is chaffing—it happens to the best of us. Chafing is skin irritation that can occur when clothing rubs against the skin or skin rubs against another part of the body. Exposure to sweat, moisture or an irritating fabric can increase the likelihood of experiencing chafing.

You can fight against chafing by taking care of your sensitive areas with products like Vaseline or Body Guide. Some sensitive areas for runners are nipples, inner thighs, groin, and armpits. Using these lubricants on areas of high abrasion can prevent irritation on race day. If you can’t find either product, try using a Band-Aid or medical tape to cover the area.

4.- Blister prevention 101

Do not let a blister spoil you from achieving your personal best. If you are racing anything between 10K and the marathon, anticipate getting blisters on your heel and combat them ahead of time with blister pads or kinesiology tape. It is easier to take preliminary precautions than to suffer the possible consequences.

(01/11/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Here’s why oatmeal is a superfuel for runners

A simple bowl of oatmeal with some berries thrown on top just might be the fuel that powers you to your next PB. While every runner has differing dietary needs, oatmeal checks off some of the boxes for most of us and can be a great way to start your day or to have as a snack post-run. Here’s why you should go back to basics and fill up your bowl with oats this morning.

Oatmeal is nutritionally rich and inexpensive

One ½ cup serving of old-fashioned oats contains 28 grams of carbohydrates. Carbs are your friend as a runner–and some sources, like oatmeal, are more nutrient-dense than others. Oats contain complex carbohydrates and are full of fiber, which aids in slowing down the rate at which carbs are released into your bloodstream.

Anyone who has ever experienced the phenomenon called ‘bonking’ (also sometimes called hitting the wall) will appreciate oatmeal for its ability to fuel you for longer without a crash.

Sports dietitian Pamela Nisevich Bede explains: “when you’re looking to hit a performance goal, you’ll need a steady intake of carbs throughout the day to keep your glycogen levels high and your body ready to go whenever the opportunity for a sweat session arises.

Oatmeal is great post-run, too–while we often focus on the protein we need to eat after a workout, carbs are necessary to replenish glycogen stores so that you’re primed for your next workout.

Choose toppings to make your bowl extra delicious (and even more nutritious)

Oats are already a tiny powerhouse of nutrition, packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that help support overall health and well-being, including iron, zinc and B vitamins. Add a few toppers, and you’ll create a bowl to suit almost anyone’s taste–and you’ll check off even more of your dietary needs while you’re at it.

Instead of adding brown sugar to sweeten a bowl of plain oats, top it with cinnamon, berries, or milk (soy and almost milk work perfectly if you’re opting out of dairy). Add some protein by whisking in an egg white (your oats will be incredibly creamy and delicious) or add a scoop of your favorite healthy protein powder.

Research suggests that the ideal carbohydrate-to-protein ratio after endurance exercise is around 4:1. Whisking an egg into your oatmeal and topping it with banana, chopped apple or raisins will nail that perfect post-run ratio.

Time your oatmeal toppings for optimal energy and recovery

The list of things to add to your oats is seemingly endless, but it’s a good idea to be aware of the timing of your toppings. Chia seeds and flax are often included in recipes for overnight oats: milk or yogurt and toppings are added to your oats the night before you eat them, eliminating the need to cook your oats and allowing them to soak in that deliciousness.

While we love tasty overnight oats and both chia seeds and flax add a fabulous nutritional boost, they also add fiber (usually a good thing, but timing is everything). Use caution when adding extra fiber to your bowl if you’re eating it pre-run.

While oatmeal in general is very gentle on most stomachs as a pre-run fuel, adding fiber right before you run may have you making a dash for the nearest public washroom. Save the fiber-rich toppings for the days you have more time to digest before you run, or for your post-run fix.

(01/10/2023) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

2024 Olympic Track & Field Schedule Is Out

On Monday, World Athletics announced the schedule for the 2024 Olympic Games, to be held in Paris on August 1-11, 2024 (only 570 days to go!). There were a few key changes from three years earlier in Tokyo.

First, all track & field finals will be held during the evening sessions (some finals had been held in the morning during the 2016 and 2020 Olympics). The marathons will remain in the morning, though the men’s marathon will no longer be held on the final day of the Games, as had been tradition. That honor for the first time will go to the women’s marathon, which will be held on August 11. Giving women the honor makes sense given that, per Reuters, the “marathon route was modelled on the path of the October 1789 Women’s March on Versailles – when thousands, mainly female market traders furious over the price of bread, marched to the lavish palace of King Louis XVI.” In 2024, the men’s marathon will come on the penultimate day, August 10.

The other major change is the introduction of a repechage round, which will replace time qualifiers in five events: the 200, 400, 800, 1500, and 400 hurdles. Under the new format, any athlete who does not advance automatically from the first round will compete in an extra race –the repechage round — to earn their spot in the semifinals. Qualification from semifinals to the final will remain the same.

While every evening session has at least one final, you may want to circle August 8, 2024, on your calendar right now. That night is set to feature the finals of the women’s 400 hurdles (Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone), men’s 200 (Noah Lyles vs. Erriyon Knighton), and men’s 110 hurdles (Grant Holloway), plus the semis of the women’s 1500 meters.

A number of doubles — 100/200, 800/1500, 1500/5,000, 5,000/10,000 — are very feasible under the current schedule. But what about the 400/400 hurdles, 400/800, and 1500/5,000/10,000 — the doubles (and triple) that would appeal to superstars Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, Athing Mu, and Jakob Ingebrigtsen? None of them are impossible.

Possible doubles/triples

Men’s 1500/5,000/10,000 (Jakob Ingebrigtsen)

We’ve got great news for Jakob Ingebrgitsen fans. You’ll likely see him running in two — maybe three — events at Paris.

At the Tokyo Olympics, Ingebrigtsen would have liked to have done the 1500/5000 double like he did at the 2019 and 2022 Worlds but he only ran the 1500 as the two events overlapped a ton. In Tokyo, the 1500 was held on August 3 (a.m.), August 5 (p.m.), and August 7 (p.m.) and the 5000 was held on August 3 (p.m.) and August 6 (p.m). In Paris, 1500/5000 double is eminently more doable as the 1500 finishes before the 5000 even starts.

And there is even more good news. Last year, Ingebrigtsen made headlines by saying he wanted to do what Sifan Hassan did in 2021 and triple at the 2023 Worlds and 2024 Olympics: 1500, 5,000, and 10,000. The triple is basically impossible at the 2023 Worlds. At the 2024 Olympics, it’s tough but doable: it would require two races on August 2 (1500 first round in the morning, 10,000 final 10 hours later), and it would require running the 1500 final at 9:00 p.m. on August 6 and the 5,000 first round 14 hours later on the morning of August 7.

In Tokyo, Hassan had to run two races on the same day (1500 prelims in morning, 5,000 final in evening) and also had to run finals on consecutive days (1500 followed by 10,000). In Paris, Ingebrigtsen would get four days between the 10,000 and 1500 finals and another four days between the 1500 and 5,000 finals.

August 2, 11:05 a.m.: 1500 first round

August 2, 9:20 p.m.: 10,000 final

August 4, 9:10 p.m.: 1500 semis

August 6, 9:00 p.m.: 1500 final

August 7, 11:00 a.m.: 5,000 first round

August 10, 8:00 p.m.: 5,000 final

Women’s 1500/5,000/10,000 (Sifan Hassan)

Given Sifan Hassan already did the 1500/5,000/10,000 triple in Tokyo about as well as anyone could (bronze-gold-gold) and given it took her close to a year to return to racing in 2022, it would be a surprise to see her attempt the triple again in Paris. But if someone else — perhaps World Indoor 1500/World Outdoor 5,000 champ Gudaf Tsegay — is so inclined, it’s possible to triple. The toughest part would be running the 1500 first round the morning after the 5,000 final and running the 10,000 and 1500 final on back-to-back nights (the latter was also the case for Hassan in 2021, though the order of the 10,000 and 1500 finals were flipped). But unlike in 2021, all the races are on different days.

August 2, 6:10 p.m.: 5,000 first round

August 5, 9:20 p.m.: 5,000 final

August 6, 10:05 a.m.: 1500 first round

August 8, 8:05 p.m.: 1500 semis

August 9, 8:55 p.m.: 10,000 final

August 10, 8:25 p.m.: 1500 final

Women’s 400/400 hurdles (Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, Femke Bol)

No woman has ever won the 400/400 hurdles double at the Olympics, but superstars Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone and Femke Bol could attempt it in Paris. It would require racing six days in a row (seven including the 4×400 relay final) but never more than once in a day. That’s about as good as you can ask for.

August 4, 12:35 p.m.: 400 hurdles first round

August 5, 11:55 a.m.: 400 first round

August 6, 7:45 p.m.: 400 hurdles semis

August 7, 8:45 p.m.: 400 semis

August 8, 9:05 p.m.: 400 hurdles final

August 9, 8:00 p.m.: 400 final

August 10, 9:20 p.m.: 4×400 relay final

Women’s 400/800 (Athing Mu)

Athing Mu won the women’s 800 at the 2020 Olympics and 2022 Worlds and is the NCAA record holder in the 400 meters at 49.57. After winning gold in Tokyo, she said one of her next goals is to double up in the 400/800. The double is possible in Paris but not perfect as it would require her to race three sessions in a row — the night of August 4 in the 800 semis, the morning of August 5 in the 400 first round, and the night of August 5 in the 800 final. The good news is Mu has will have some time to recover as there is a rest day between the 800 final and 400 semis and another rest day between the 400 semis and 400 final.

In a perfect world the 800 semis and 400 first round would both be shifted forward by a day but that’s not going to happen because it would require running the repechage and semifinal round of the 800 on the same day.

August 2, 7:45 p.m.: 800 first round

August 4, 8:35 p.m.: 800 semis

August 5, 11:55 a.m.: 400 first round

August 5, 9:50 p.m.: 800 final

August 7, 8:45 p.m.: 400 semis

August 9, 8:00 p.m.: 400 final

August 10, 9:20 p.m.: 4×400 relay final

Women’s 200/400 (Shaunae Miller-Uibo)

Two-time Olympic 400 champion Shaunae Miller-Uibo of the Bahamas attempted the 200/400 double in Tokyo and made the finals of each event. But she wound up going through the motions of the 200 final, finishing last in 24.00 (after running the first round of the 400 that morning), before running a personal best of 48.36 to win the 400 three days later. The 200/400 double is once again possible in 2024, but Miller-Uibo’s weaker event, the 200, would once again come first. It would also require running twice in one day, though neither of the races would be finals (400 first round on the morning of August 5, followed by the 200 semis that evening).

August 4, 10:55 a.m.: 200 first round

August 5, 11:55 a.m.: 400 first round

August 5, 8:55 p.m.: 200 semis

August 6, 9:50 p.m.: 200 final

August 7, 8:45 p.m.: 400 semis

August 9, 8:00 p.m.: 400 final

Men’s 200/400

In Tokyo, it was possible to attempt the men’s 200/400 double as all of the races were on different days (save for the 200 first round and semis — a necessary same-day double for all athletes). In Tokyo, it’s virtually impossible as the 200 semis will be held just 73 minutes before the 400 final on the night of August 7.

August 4, 7:05 p.m.: 400 first round

August 5, 8:05 p.m.: 200 first round

August 6, 8:30 p.m.: 400 semis

August 7, 8:07 p.m.: 200 semis

August 7, 9:20 p.m.: 400 final

August 8, 9:25 p.m.: 200 final

How will the repechage round work?

In almost every case, the repechage round will take place the day after the first round of each event. The only exception is the men’s 110 hurdles, where the first round is on August 4 and the repechage on August 6. And in almost every case, the repechage athletes won’t have to race twice in the same day. The only exception is the women’s 200, where the first round will be held on the morning of August 4, the repechage on the afternoon of August 5, and the semis on the evening of August 5.

Should any repechage athlete in the 800 advance to the final, they will have raced on four consecutive days. For any 1500 athlete to advance to the final, they will have had to have raced three straight days followed by a one-day break before the final. The repechage round is mostly a chance for lesser athletes to get a longer Olympic experience instead of running one race and going home, but it’s not impossible to suggest that a repechage athlete could be a factor in the final. At the 2020 Olympics, Great Britain’s Josh Kerr needed a time qualifier to advance from the first round of the men’s 1500 and wound up earning the bronze medal. Such a feat will be harder in 2024 since an athlete such as Kerr would now have to run an extra race.

Here’s how the schedule works for the men’s and women’s 800 and 1500:

Men’s 800

Prelims: August 7, 11:45 a.m.

Repechage: August 8, 12:00 p.m.

Semis: August 9, 11:30 a.m.

Final: August 10, 7:30 p.m.

Women’s 800

Prelims: August 2, 7:45 p.m.

Repechage: August 3, 11:10 a.m.

Semis: August 4, 8:35 p.m.

Final: August 5, 9:50 p.m.

Women’s 1500

Prelims: August 6, 10:05 a.m.

Repechage: August 7, 12:35 p.m.

Semis: August 8, 8:05 p.m.

Final: August 10, 8:25 p.m.

Men’s 1500

Prelims: August 2, 11:05 a.m.

Repechage: August 3, 8:25 p.m.

Semis: August 4, 9:10 p.m.

Final: August 6, 9:00 p.m.

(01/10/2023) ⚡AMP
by Letsrun
Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Paris 2024 Olympic Games

For this historic event, the City of Light is thinking big! Visitors will be able to watch events at top sporting venues in Paris and the Paris region, as well as at emblematic monuments in the capital visited by several millions of tourists each year. The promise of exceptional moments to experience in an exceptional setting! A great way to...


Bryce Hoppel and Noah Kibet head Millrose Games 800m

Bryce Hoppel and Noah Kibet will renew their rivalry at the Millrose Games, the fourth Gold level meeting in this season’s World Athletics Indoor Tour, in New York on February 11.

Hoppel is back to defend his Millrose Games 800m title, now as a world indoor bronze medallist. The 25-year-old, who won US titles indoors and outdoors in 2022, claimed the first global medal of his career in Belgrade, where he clocked 1:46.51 to finish third in a race won by Spain’s Mariano Garcia.

Second in that Belgrade final was Kibet, who at the age of 17 became the youngest ever track medallist in World Indoor Championships history. Now aged 18, the Kenyan seeks further indoor success in New York. Kibet ran 1:46.35 to win his world indoor medal and also claimed bronze at the World Athletics U20 Championships in Nairobi in 2021.

Looking to challenge them both will be Clayton Murphy, the 2016 Olympic bronze medallist and fourth-fastest US athlete in the history of the event. Murphy made a second Olympic final in Tokyo and is also a six-time national champion.

Lining up alongside them will be Isaiah Harris, who finished runner-up behind Hoppel at last year’s US Indoor Championships, and Kyle Langford, Britain’s 2018 Commonwealth silver medallist.

Also in the field are Mexican record-holder Jesus Tonatiu Lopez, Irish record-holder Mark English and USA’s Cade Flatt.

Already announced for the meeting are showdowns in the pole vault between Katie Moon, Sandi Morris and Katerina Stefanidi, and in the shot put between Ryan Crouser and Joe Kovacs. The women's 300m will feature Abby Steiner, Jenna Prandini and Brittany Brown, while the women’s 3000m will star Konstanze Klosterhalfen and Alicia Monson. Two-time world 200m champion Noah Lyles will race for more sprint success in the 60m and Laura Muir will race the Rudin Women’s Wanamaker Mile.

(01/10/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
NYRR Millrose Games

NYRR Millrose Games

The NYRR Millrose Games,which began in 1908 as a small event sponsored by a local track club, has grown to become the most prestigious indoor track and field event in the United States. The NYRR Millrose Games meet is held in Manhattan’s Washington Heights at the New Balance Track & Field Center at the Armony, which boasts a state-of-the-art six-lane,...


Boost recovery quickly by focusing on two things

Recovering quickly and well after hard workouts and long runs is a key part of building strength and power over a season, and (hopefully) nailing some goals along the way. While there are a wide variety of tools out there that claim to help runners recover quickly and with little effort, the two key ingredients that coaches (and science) widely agree on are free and underutilized: sleep and calories.

Focus on these two things, and you’ll notice your ability to recover improve, without purchasing a single fancy gadget or embarking on any early-morning cold plunges.

Get more (and better) sleep

Coach and author of Training Essentials for Ultrarunning Jason Koop shares that the “effect that high-quality sleep has on your immune system and your ability to recover (or not) is quite astounding.” Studies have suggested that proper sleep can reduce the chance of injury in adolescent elite athletes at approximately the same rate as strength training.

Not only will quality sleep help you rebound from workouts, but it will also help you function better during your daily life, and is constantly being credited with contributing to a wide variety of health benefits, including longevity.

Get started today

Work on optimizing four factors in your bedroom: calm, cool, dark and quiet. Koop suggests minimizing clutter (that includes televisions and screens of any type), keeping your room at an ideal range of 15.5 C to 19.5 C (60–67 F), and minimizing light and sound in your room.

“Light (and the absence thereof) has the biggest effect on telling your body when it is time to sleep and time to be awake,” he writes. Blackout curtains and covering objects with power lights are good options to assist with this.

Consume enough energy to support your activity level

“If sleep is the gold standard for recovery, energy balance is next in order of priority,” says Koop. Regardless of the specific foods you are eating, you will simply not improve as a runner unless you are consuming enough calories to support your daily activities, as well as your training.


In a society that seems fixated on appearances, this can be a challenge, and men and women pro athletes have spoken candidly about their challenges with disordered body image and disordered eating.

“If you are losing weight because you are not sufficiently supporting your training workload with calories and nutrients, you will lose both fat and lean muscle mass,” explains Koop. “Athletes who are too lean cannot train as effectively, because they cannot recover from hard efforts as quickly.”

Get started today

Working with a registered dietitian can be helpful if you aren’t sure where to start–and if that’s not accessible for you, there’s a gamut of science-backed nutritional info out there. Make sure you’re tapping into quality information: both Dr. Stacy Sims and Pamela Nisevich Bide are both well known for helping athletes excel at the nutritional components of their training, and have helpful books and websites to delve into.

Educating yourself as much as possible on nutrition and focusing on food as fuel can be a great jumping-off point. Remember that your body needs a great deal of energy on recovery days. You may feel like you’re actively doing less, but behind the scenes your body is repairing tissue damage and building strength for your run.

(01/10/2023) ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne

B.A.A. announces women’s elite field for 127th Boston Marathon

The Boston Athletics Association (B.A.A.) has revealed the women’s elite field for the 127th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17. The field features 16 women who have run under 2:21, including the 2022 world marathon champion Gotytom Gebreslase and two-time Boston champion Edna Kiplagat.

Three other notable athletes who are making their Boston debuts are 2022 world championship bronze medallist Lonah Salpeter of Israel, 2022 NYC Marathon champion Sharon Lokedi, and 2022 Valencia Marathon champion (and third fastest woman of all-time 2:14:58) Amane Beriso of Ethiopia.

“I am very excited to run the B.A.A. Boston Marathon this year,” said Salpeter in a press release. “It has always been my dream to run on this course and to experience the incredible atmosphere.” Salpeter is coming off a second-place finish at the New York City Marathon in November and a bronze medal in the 10,000m at the European Championships in August.  

Last year’s second and third-place finishers in Boston, Ababel Yeshaneh of Ethiopia and Mary Ngugi of Kenya, both return with hopes of claiming the top spot on the podium. Yeshaneh came within four seconds of victory, while Ngugi placed second and third in Boston in back-to-back years.

Also back is Joyciline Jepkosgei of Kenya, a past winner of the New York City and London Marathons. Jepkosgei fell shy of her expectations in her 2022 debut, with a seventh-place finish. She will look to better her time of 2:24:43 in 2023.

Among the American contingent are Sara Hall, Aliphine Tuliamuk, Emma Bates, Nell Rojas and 2018 champion Des Linden. Rojas has finished as the top American at Boston two years in a row (fifth in 2021 and 10th, 2:25:57 in April 2022), while Hall and Bates were fifth and seventh in the marathon at the 2022 World Athletics Championships in Eugene, Ore.

Canada will be well represented in Boston with three athletes on the elite list. Liza Howard, the top Canadian at the 2022 Chicago Marathon, will lead the way with the top qualifying mark of 2:35:29. Howard is an up-and-coming marathoner out of Toronto, who had a breakthrough 2022 with a 19th-place finish in Chicago and a 12th-place result at the Canadian 10K Championships in Ottawa last May. 

Other Canadians on the elite list are 2004 1,500m Olympian and masters athlete Carmen Hussar, who has returned to racing recently, coming off a Boxing Day 10 Miler win in Hamilton, Ont., and Julie Lajeunesse of Montreal, with a personal best of 2:44:49 from the 2022 Chicago Marathon.

(01/09/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


AIU report shows five nations represent 54 per cent of banned athletes

Earlier this week, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) released its Global List of Ineligible Persons of 473 athletes or athlete support currently serving sanctions. Five countries account for more than half the total number of sanctions, with 92 athletes representing Russia.

The majority of the cases listed are related to infractions in the last five years. But there are lifetime bans for offenses dating back a decade. Many of the Russian infractions date from before the 2015 doping scandal, but numerous infractions have been detected in the last three years.

Russia is followed by India, with 65 recorded sanctions, Kenya with 54, Morocco with 24 and China with 20. These five countries make up 54 per cent of the AIU’s Global List of Ineligible Persons. 

Russia (RusAF) and the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) are working with World Athletics to lift the ban on Russian athletes and the federation. 

When World Athletics president Sebastian Coe was asked to comment on the RUSADA situation at a year-end media conference, he said, “The council will have a better update after their next meeting in March 2023.”

Kenya entered the spotlight in recent months, with many well-known distance runners receiving sanctions for doping violations. Last month, 2021 Boston champion Diana Kipyokei was given a six-year ban for a positive test for the weight-reducing and endurance-increasing drug triamcinolone acetonide. Twenty-one of the 54 Kenyan athletes serving suspensions were caught in the past year.

Since 2016, the East African nation has been classified in Category A of the countries under surveillance by World Athletics and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), alongside Belarus, Ethiopia, Morocco and Ukraine.

Coe said after the World Athletics Council Meeting in November 2022 that Athletics Kenya has “a long journey” to regain trust, and that Kenyan sports minister Ababu Namwama and the council were working toward a solution.

In an attempt to crack down on doping, the Kenyan sports minster told BBC News Africa in December that he hopes to fast-track modifications to legislation and crack down on doping the same way the government does with illegal drugs–by criminalizing it.


Previous attempts to criminalize doping in Kenya have been unsuccessful, with a motion submitted by former member of parliament and 2012 Boston Marathon champion Wesley Korir being defeated in 2016. Korir and his wife, Tarah Korir, lived in Waterloo, Ont. for several years before moving back to Kenya. 

(01/09/2023) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Kenya targeting 2029 World Athletics Championships

Kenya has revealed plans to bid for the 2029 World Athletics Championships after missing out on the 2025 hosting rights last year.

Sports Minister Abadu Namwamba has confirmed Kenya's intent to become the first African nation to stage the event as the country looks to play host in six years' time.

Namwamba's announcement came during World Athletics President Sebastian Coe's visit to Kenyan capital Nairobi this week.

"Having lost the bid for 2025, we will prepare for 2029 and we believe we will be in a very strong position to put in a compelling bid," said Namwamba.

"We will be banking on the goodwill from World Athletics.

"We will come up with a much stronger bid."

Nairobi was among four bidders for the 2025 World Athletics Championships with Japanese capital Tokyo securing the event in July 2022.

Speaking at the time of the decision, Coe cited concerns over the Moi International Stadium as a reason why the Kenyan capital lost out to Tokyo.

The venue in Kasarani hosted the 2020 World Athletics under-20 Championships and has also staged the Kip Keino Classic, a World Athletics Continental Tour Gold meeting, in the past two years.

"There were challenges around the stadium which would have needed a great deal of refurbishment and that was concern expressed by the [World Athletics] Council about the timeframe and the quantum of resource that would be needed in order to do that," said Coe in July.

"I have spoken to the Kenyan Athletics Association, and they know that I am fully committed to helping them or any other African country stage a World Championship in the foreseeable future."

Only the United States has won more medals than Kenya at the World Athletics Championships.

Kenya has claimed 62 gold, 55 silver and 44 bronze medals with much of their success coming over the long-distance races.

Coe visited Nairobi where he met Kenyan President William Ruto and Sports Minister Abadu Namwamba as well as representatives from Athletics Kenya and anti-doping authorities and several athletes.

There were fears that Athletics Kenya would be banned by World Athletics following a spate of positive doping cases.

However, the governing body evaded a lengthy ban after the Kenyan Government acted promptly, committing $25 million (£20.5 million/€23.7 million) to fight doping.

According to the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU), Kenya has 54 athletes serving bans - the third most behind Russia with 92 and India with 65.

Kenya is one of seven "Category A" nations deemed by the AIU to have the highest doping risk and threaten the overall integrity of the sport.

Diana Kipyokei and Lawrence Cherono, both former Boston Marathon winners, are among the high-profile Kenyan athletes currently banned.

Last year's delayed World Athletics Championships was staged in Eugene in the US.

Hungarian capital Budapest is set to host this year's edition before Tokyo stages the event in two years' time.

(01/09/2023) ⚡AMP
by Geoff Berkeley

Want to be a stronger runner? Pay attention to your piriformis

Many runners may not be aware of the piriformis muscle until they experience an injury or inflammation–we’re here to help you prevent that from happening.  The piriformis is found in the buttocks area and works to stabilize the hip and pelvis.

The piriformis helps you upwardly rotate the hip and leg smoothly as you run, a key factor in running performance. If the piriformis is tight or becomes inflamed, it can cause intense pain and discomfort in the hip and leg, and impact performance.

Try adding these exercises to your mobility routine if you have one, or move through them when watching a TV show at night. Netflix and piriformis mobility is 2023’s Netflix and chill.

Seated piriformis stretch

Sit on the edge of a chair with your affected leg crossed over your other leg. Place your ankle on the opposite knee and gently press down on the raised knee to feel a stretch in the buttocks.

Pigeon pose

Start in a downward-facing dog position. Bring your affected leg forward and place it behind your hands, keeping your knee bent. Lower your hips towards the ground until you feel a stretch in the buttocks.

Lunge stretch

Step forward with your affected leg and lower your back knee to the ground. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the buttocks–this also targets your hip flexors and is a great mobility exercise for runners to do regardless of whether they are experiencing lower leg issues.


Lie on your side with your hips and knees bent. Lift your top knee up while keeping your feet together–banded clamshells are also a great option if you feel clamshells are not intense enough.

If you have a few extra minutes and are looking for a full mobility workout to tackle the piriformis area and start boosting strength and mobility, try this slightly longer yoga routine. You’ll enjoy the mellow-mind yoga benefits and really soothe and strengthen the piriformis area.

(01/09/2023) ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne

Marathon wisdom - what fires you up?

This year’s stupendous season of outdoor track and field has finally drawn to a close, and goodness me, what a season it has been!

The World Athletics Championships Oregon22 took place only two months ago, but it feels like an eternity has passed since, with the Commonwealth Games, World U20 Championships, European Championships and NACAC Championships giving athletics fans the world over a feast of unforgettable performances.

If you are feeling your athletics fever dwindling somewhat, fear not, because September is always the month when we turn our attention to the roads and (I admit I am biased) the best event of them all – the marathon!

The names of iconic marathon host cities – Berlin, London, Chicago, Valencia – will soon be in the news. Perhaps you are taking on the 26.2-mile challenge at one of these events? Or thinking about dipping your toe in during 2023 as the northern hemisphere spring marathon season beckons? The lure and appeal of the legendary marathon distance seems as popular as ever. If you haven’t tried a marathon yet, naturally I recommend it; and I always advise persevering beyond the first time as it definitely improves with a few attempts.

It is nearly 10 years since I retired from elite competition, so I’m thrilled that my first book, Marathon Wisdom, An Elite Athlete’s Insights on Running and Life, was published earlier this year by Meyer & Meyer Sport. It is a collection of 42.195 (the number of kilometres in a marathon) nuggets of wisdom which I learned from a lifetime of running – as a child, a young adult, a world-class athlete, and now as a retired recreational runner.

From setting goals and overcoming setbacks, to making the best of a bad situation and celebrating success when it comes, these insights are universal and relevant for all levels of runner. The following extract – Insight 1: What Fires You Up? – gives you a flavour of my book. It can be read from cover to cover, or dipped in and out of when time allows. It is available now from online retailers and in bookshops.

What fires you up?

When I was a small child growing up in Nairobi, Kenya, I loved playing outdoors. I ran up and down the steep driveway to our house and dived into all kinds of adventures in the garden. The year-round tropical, warm climate lent itself to spending time outside. I grew up loving sports and being physically active. At weekends and during the holidays, my parents took my sister and me on safari, or to the coast and the Indian Ocean, or any number of exciting adventures under Africa’s sun and big skies.

Fast-forward to 1984 and my family had moved to Oxford, England. During that summer, at age 11, I remember watching the Los Angeles Olympics on television and being utterly mesmerised by the sports extravaganza taking place on the other side of the world. The enormous stadium, the glitz and glamour, the athletes giving it their all … I was transfixed by this spectacle and spent many hours watching it all on television.

Strangely, in hindsight I was not really interested in the women’s marathon, which was making its hard-won debut in the Olympic Games. Instead, I was focused on the best all-rounders there are, the decathletes and my hero, Daley Thompson. To be able to compete brilliantly in all those various events inspired awe in me, and encompassed what I wanted to be: an all-round athlete.

The excitement of watching wore me out and I could not stay awake for the final event, the 1500m. My mother woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that Daley had won the gold. After the Games were finished, I watched the BBC’s highlights on videotape, set to Spandau Ballet’s Gold, again and again. After watching those Games, I decided I wanted to be a top-class, world-beating athlete. At age 11, I had no idea how I was going to do it, but from that summer on I had discovered something that really fired me up – a dream of becoming a sporting champion.

Becoming beside yourself with excitement is one of the wonders of childhood. Many children want to be like the fabulous and attractive people they encounter. But if I can describe in general terms what that summer gave me, it was an enduring, aspirational desire to do something special and specific with my life. This desire never left me and always gave me a clear goal to aim and strive for. Between that summer and 17 August 2008, when I finally stood on the start line of my first Olympic marathon in Beijing, 24 years had passed. A quarter of a century! You could say it was not a very motivating or compelling dream since it took me so long to make it happen. But it was not a straightforward journey. I had become side-tracked with other activities along the way, such as earning a living. I believe it is testament to how strong that desire was that it sustained me for so many years to keep going and ensured that I never gave up on my dream.

What I learnt from this burning desire born all those years ago was that discovering a love for something is immensely valuable and worth spending time on. That having a dream which really inspires you provides the engine for hard work, a motivating goal to focus on, and the ability to keep going through hard times. That a love for a particular activity might hit you at a time when you can’t do much about it and you might need to return to it later. And that being clear about what you are aiming for is important because it gives you direction and motivation.

Why did it take me so long to realise my childhood dream? Most world-class athletes become professionals straight after or during their full-time education and retire while they are young adults. For me, it was different. When I left university, I wanted to become a full-time athlete but was nowhere near fast enough to earn a living from it. My parents encouraged me to look for a ‘proper job’. Like many students, I had no money. Therefore, on leaving full-time education I had no choice and simply had to find a job. I applied to the British Civil Service’s Fast Stream graduate recruitment programme and became a diplomat with the Foreign Office. This too was a fascinating adventure. I travelled to places I had never been, had the opportunity to learn Japanese and the privilege of working with issues that mattered. I was posted to the British Embassy in Tokyo and enjoyed further adventures there … but during all that time, the dream of becoming a world-class athlete was always there in the back of my mind.

When my Tokyo posting came to an end and I returned to London at the age of 29, I decided that if I was to realise my childhood dream, it was now or never. I spent the next three years working and training hard and finally became a full-time athlete in 2006 at the age of 33. I was 35 when I finished sixth in the 2008 Beijing Olympics women’s marathon, the joint best performance ever by a British woman in the Olympic marathon. I was 35 when I set my personal best of 2:23:12 in the 2009 London Marathon.

It was a long journey of ups and downs, going off on tangents, and spells when realising my dream seemed like a very distant prospect. But throughout that quarter century, I was always clear what my goal was and what I wanted to be.

Sport is not everyone’s cup of tea. Nor is spending a large part of your life pursuing one clear goal. I am not claiming that this is the only way to live a life. But this was my experience. My wish is that by sharing it, you will see how you can pursue and achieve an ambitious goal. We all have talents and gifts of one kind or another, whether it’s in sport, music or something else.

Having a dream or overall goal provides motivation, direction and meaning. It might take time, but pursuing what you love is an enriching, life-changing journey.

(01/08/2023) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
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