My Best Runs Running Log

*PDT (California Time)

Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world.   RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018.  And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday.  The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee.  You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too.  After you sign up you log your miles on your account.  

About the program | World Leaderboard | Team Leaderboard | Total Running Log Miles

25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30

Anthony Mukundi Wanjiru (36) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running has been my main form of exercise. I've been running five or six days a week. I love it (Fri 29)
Time: 60:58 Pace: 6:33 / Total Miles 2,774.64 since 10/21/22
Liked by Bob Anderson

peter mukundi (26) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. (Fri 29)
Time: 58:23 Pace: 6:16 / Total Miles 326.20 since 10/10/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Karen Jepkemoi (22) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

One run can change your day, many runs can change your life (Fri 29)
Time: 63:04 Pace: 6:46 / Total Miles 3,603.50 since 4/27/22
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that (Fri 29)
Time: 58:02 Pace: 6:14 / Total Miles 541.81 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

virginia wanjiru (21) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days (Fri 29)
Time: 60:23 Pace: 6:29 / Total Miles 1,312.24 since 3/20/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson (76) US

6.52 miles in Mt View (runner profile)

Strides at lunch and the rest was easy. (Thu 28) / Total Miles 14,595.28 since 7/4/18

Bob Anderson (76) US

5.37 miles in My View (runner profile)

Easy with strides at lunch. Tasty breakfast this morning. (Wed 27) / Total Miles 14,588.76 since 7/4/18

virginia wanjiru (21) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

If I continue to set goals and accomplish those goals, that means I’m doing something right (Wed 27)
Time: 67:41 Pace: 6:49 / Total Miles 1,302.92 since 3/20/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

peter mukundi (26) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I feel like when I am running, it not only helps change me physically, it also improves my state of mind. (Wed 27)
Time: 64:03 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 316.88 since 10/10/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Fredrick kiprotich (26) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

ust keep moving. Someone said this to me a long time ago. It's a Buddhist saying, I think: 'There is no wasted effort (Wed 27)
Time: 62:46 Pace: 6:19 / Total Miles 4,491.50 since 9/21/21
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running is great for your body. It will increase your energy levels and helps you to clear your mind (Wed 27)
Time: 63:12 Pace: 6:22 / Total Miles 532.49 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Zakaria kirika (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

am 100 percent convinced that working out is part of what makes me so happy (Wed 27)
Time: 62:09 Pace: 6:16 / Total Miles 6,741.96 since 1/28/21
Liked by Bob Anderson

jecinta mwende (23) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

There are times when I feel lazy and just want to stay in bed all day, but I know that working out is the best way to get those endorphins going, which will make me feel better emotionally and physically (Wed 27)
Time: 66:23 Pace: 6:41 / Total Miles 808.32 since 5/22/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

lilian musenya (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up (Wed 27)
Time: 66:23 Pace: 6:41 / Total Miles 852.85 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

loise wambui (24) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

Running is my alone time. I have people around me all the time, all day. The only time I have alone is when I’m running (Wed 27)
Time: 66:00 Pace: 6:39 / Total Miles 1,008.90 since 5/22/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Karen Jepkemoi (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Fast running isn't forced. You have to relax and let the run come out of you (Wed 27)
Time: 66:11 Pace: 6:40 / Total Miles 3,594.18 since 4/27/22
Liked by Bob Anderson

alex kamau (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Don't be afraid to fail. It's not the end of the world and in many ways, it's the first step toward learning something better and getting better at it (Wed 27)
Time: 65:38 Pace: 6:37 / Total Miles 158.44 since 2/1/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

collins muiruri (19) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is the basis of all the training that I's like an escape (Wed 27)
Time: 63:52 Pace: 6:26 / Total Miles 223.04 since 2/1/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

Peter Mwaniki Njeru (26) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

One run can change your day, many runs can change your life (Wed 27)
Time: 62:09 Pace: 6:16 / Total Miles 5,613.58 since 7/24/20
Liked by Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson (76) US

8.65 miles in Mt view and Los Altos (runner profile)

Got out a couple of times. Did some strides at lunch. Daisy and I did the 280 loop before sunset. (Tue 26) / Total Miles 14,583.39 since 7/4/18

kevin ragui (22) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

Don't be afraid to fail. It's not the end of the world and in many ways, it's the first step toward learning something better and getting better at it. (Tue 26)
Time: 44:00 Pace: 5:55 / Total Miles 955.08 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

lilian musenya (22) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is the basis of all the training that I's like an escape (Tue 26)
Time: 48:00 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 842.91 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Karen Jepkemoi (22) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

It started to become what I looked forward to most; it was the only time I got to be in my own head (Tue 26)
Time: 48:00 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 3,584.24 since 4/27/22
Liked by Bob Anderson

ismail mburu (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running has been my main form of exercise. I've been running five or six days a week. I love it. (Tue 26)
Time: 44:00 Pace: 5:55 / Total Miles 866.40 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

sammy langat (35) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

It makes me feel like I can conquer anything that comes at me (Tue 26)
Time: 42:45 Pace: 22:56 / Total Miles 1.86 since 3/26/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

gerald olela (24) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

I love running but I think you have to find a workout routine that really speaks to you beyond trying to get goals for your body (Tue 26)
Time: 43:07 Pace: 23:08 / Total Miles 16.78 since 9/27/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

benjamin mulanda (25) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Being a runner, to me, has made being depressed impossible (Tue 26)
Time: 44:00 Pace: 23:37 / Total Miles 8.82 since 10/4/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

douglas kingori (28) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

There's a great empowerment that I get from running (Tue 26)
Time: 43:33 Pace: 23:22 / Total Miles 29.83 since 10/4/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

brian oyugi (41) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit (Tue 26)
Time: 41:06 Pace: 22:03 / Total Miles 21.19 since 10/2/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

philip kinyanjui (25) KE

0.00 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it. (Tue 26)
Time: 40:25 Pace: 361:21:27 / Total Miles 3.98 since 10/5/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

shelmith rono (20) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

One run can change your day, many runs can change your life (Tue 26)
Time: 44:07 Pace: 23:40 / Total Miles 21.74 since 9/29/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

rahab wanjiru (23) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that (Tue 26)
Time: 44:52 Pace: 24:05 / Total Miles 28.07 since 9/26/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

alvin mise (23) KE

1.86 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days (Tue 26)
Time: 40:12 Pace: 21:34 / Total Miles 38.71 since 10/2/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson (76) US

7.00 miles in Mt View (runner profile)

Did some strides at lunch, The rest was easy. Look who came to our event (Marina Double) last Saturday, (Mon 25) / Total Miles 14,574.74 since 7/4/18

job kamonde (23) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running is a way to reconnect with myself and find balance in a hectic world (Mon 25)
Time: 65:24 Pace: 6:35 / Total Miles 490.81 since 10/10/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Running is a powerful tool for mental health. It helps me cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues (Mon 25)
Time: 65:00 Pace: 6:33 / Total Miles 522.55 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Alfred Wanjiru (26) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Running is a way to challenge myself, push my limits, and discover what I’m truly capable of (Mon 25)
Time: 64:54 Pace: 6:32 / Total Miles 5,127.34 since 7/1/21
Liked by Bob Anderson

Zakaria kirika (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

Running teaches us to keep moving forward, one step at a time, no matter how difficult the terrain may be (Mon 25)
Time: 66:23 Pace: 6:41 / Total Miles 6,732.02 since 1/28/21
Liked by Bob Anderson

jeremiah obura (18) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

Running gives me a sense of accomplishment and boosts my confidence. It’s a natural antidepressant (Mon 25)
Time: 65:43 Pace: 6:37 / Total Miles 209.40 since 2/1/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

jecinta mwende (23) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

When I run, I feel like I’m in control of my life. It’s a reminder that I can conquer anything (Mon 25)
Time: 69:25 Pace: 6:59 / Total Miles 798.38 since 5/22/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

lilian musenya (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running is not just about fitness, it’s about self-discovery and mental clarity (Mon 25)
Time: 69:08 Pace: 6:58 / Total Miles 835.45 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

loise wambui (24) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is a form of meditation for me. It’s a chance to clear my mind and focus on what’s important (Mon 25)
Time: 68:11 Pace: 6:52 / Total Miles 998.96 since 5/22/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

loise wambui (24) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is a form of meditation for me. It’s a chance to clear my mind and focus on what’s important (Mon 25)
Time: 68:11 Pace: 6:52 / Total Miles 989.02 since 5/22/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Karen Jepkemoi (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

When I run, I am in touch with my deepest self. I feel alive and invincible (Mon 25)
Time: 67:35 Pace: 6:48 / Total Miles 3,576.78 since 4/27/22
Liked by Bob Anderson

alex kamau (22) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

The best way to gain confidence and self-esteem is to do what you are afraid to do (Mon 25)
Time: 67:49 Pace: 6:50 / Total Miles 148.50 since 2/1/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

collins muiruri (19) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I run because it’s my passion, and not just a physical exercise. It’s a way to quiet my mind and rejuvenate my soul (Mon 25)
Time: 69:17 Pace: 6:59 / Total Miles 213.10 since 2/1/24
Liked by Bob Anderson

ismail mburu (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

Running is the therapy that always works (Mon 25)
Time: 68:02 Pace: 6:51 / Total Miles 858.94 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

Peter Mwaniki Njeru (26) KE

8.70 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable (Mon 25)
Time: 63:11 Pace: 7:16 / Total Miles 5,603.64 since 7/24/20
Liked by Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson (76) US

5.10 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)

Easy day after a busy yesterday at our race. (Sun 24) / Total Miles 14,554.56 since 7/4/18

Bob Anderson (76) US

5.18 miles in My View (runner profile)

Ran/walked home from office in Mt view (Sat 23) / Total Miles 14,559.74 since 7/4/18
25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30

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