Sure, your quads, hamstrings, and calves work hard to propel you forward. But there’s another muscle that’s a power player in your running: your diaphragm.

Here’s how it works. As you breathe in, your diaphragm contracts and your lungs expand to bring in oxygen—a gas your muscles need to create energy. As you breathe, you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, the buildup of which can cause anxiety and breathlessness, which can make your runs feel harder, says Michael Jordan, D.P.T., Sports Certified Specialist Residency Director at Resurgent Sports Rehab in Fairfax, Virginia.

But there are a few tips on how to breathe while running that will help make your future miles a breeze, even if you’re running with a mask during the coronavirus pandemic.

First, you’ll want to make sure you’re breathing efficiently. There are a few signs to look out for that may show you are not using your diaphragm efficiently, besides just gasping for air, says Jordan. These can include tightness or pain in your neck or back, shoulders that raise and lower, an asymmetrical rotation in your torso, an arched back or flared ribs, and paradoxical breathing, when your stomach rises as you exhale and sinks when you inhale.

Bringing awareness to your breathing builds more efficiency, a steadier pace, and a calmer mind, even during high-​pressure races, says Boulder-based pro runner and coach Neely Spence Gracey. If you focus on solid breathing, “you’ll be able to push through fatigue and maintain form,” she says. Here’s what you need to know about how to breathe while running.

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Why Do I Struggle to Breathe While Running?

The most common reason new runners gasp for air? They haven’t regulated their body’s response of this heightened state of breathing from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest.”

This impacts their heart and lungs enough that they can’t run without reaching their ventilatory threshold—the point at which you can’t breathe deeply or quickly enough to fulfill your body’s demand for oxygen, says running coach Erik Bies, D.P.T., M.S., a physical therapist and clinic director at Movement Systems in Seattle. Once you near this point, your body’s stress response kicks in, causing you to panic and struggle even more.

Tips for Effective Breathing While Wearing a Mask
» When you first start running with a mask, take it slow. Try a manageable pace first, then ramp up the intensity as you get used to runs with a face covering.
» Pick a mask that fits snugly over your mouth and nose, is at least two layers, and is breathable and sweat-wicking.
» Try nasal breathing. Exhaling through your nose produces less water droplets than mouth breathing, which could help keep your mask drier.

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Is It Better to Breathe Through Your Nose or Mouth?

To avoid gasping for air, slow down at first. Stick to a pace that allows you to speak a few words or sentences (throw in walk breaks every few minutes if you have to). Jordan recommends inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth for the best gas exchange at an easy pace.

With a few weeks of consistent training, your body adapts in ways that increase your ventilatory threshold—for instance, your muscles sprout new blood vessels, says Kyle Barnes, Ph.D., assistant professor of exercise science at Grand Valley State University.

How Do You Control Your Breathing While Running?

Once your body has had time to adapt, there, it’s time to take focused breathing on the move with rhythmic patterns. Gracey recommends starting by inhaling for two counts, then exhaling for two, a pattern called 2:2 breathing. This will help you pace yourself better—the steadier you’re breathing, the less likely you are to go out too hard—and ensure a steady flow of oxygen to your muscles.

Try it walking first, then on easy runs, beginning with one minute at a time every mile or two and gradually increasing the duration of your focus. As you grow more comfortable with focused breathing, you can use it for faster runs, such as intervals and tempo. Paying attention to your breath can help you gauge your pace and tolerate the discomfort of speedy paces, so you can improve your ventilatory threshold even further, Bies says.

Start by using 2:2 breathing during strides—15- to 20-second bursts of faster running—or 30-second hill repeats, Gracey recommends. Eventually, you can extend the rhythm throughout longer intervals—say, faster half-mile or mile repetitions. And, you’ll want to exhale on alternate footstrikes as you run. You never want to continually exhale on the same foot.

On easy runs, try 3:3 or 4:4 breathing, she says. Others recommend experimenting with a longer inhale than exhale—2:1 (inhale for 2 exhale for 1) for faster running, 4:3 or 3:2 for easier running—to see what feels more natural for you. Doing so may better distribute the impact across both sides of your body.

Many new runners breathe from their chest instead of their diaphragm, further limiting their oxygen intake. Combat this with belly breathing. For five minutes in the morning or before you run, lie down and place your hand on your stomach. Take slow, deep breaths that lift your hand as you inhale and sink it as you exhale. Once you’re comfortable on the ground, try taking belly breaths when walking, then running.

How Do You Breathe As You Run Faster?

During workouts and races, Gracey uses 2:2 breathing paired with mentally tallying her strides. The first four-count inhalation and exhalation is one. The second is two, and so on. She counts from one to 100, then starts over again. “It gives me small goals to work toward,” she says, “and keeps me focused and present.”

Counting breaths proves especially useful in races like the Boston Marathon, which features varying terrain, she says, because it’s harder to breathe on uphills and easier on downhills. Keeping your respiration steady rather than freaking out about numbers on your watch ensures you’ll net out around your goal pace. While consistent running strengthens your breathing muscles, you can take them to boot camp for a bigger boost using a device like POWERbreathe. “Essentially, it’s like dumbbells for your diaphragm,” Barnes says. Experts call this inspiratory muscle training. Start with two sets of 30 breaths at two different times of the day, using a resistance that’s challenging but that you can complete with good form. (Think: breathing from your belly, not shrugging your shoulders or straining your neck.)

You’ll likely see a difference within two to three weeks, or even sooner. In one recent study, Barnes found runners improved their performance in a 3,200-meter time trial when they did 30 resisted breaths immediately beforehand as a warmup.