My Best Runs race profiles

Free Listing (approved by Bob Anderson)

Race name
Race date
Get Updates (request goes to emails we have on file)
Claim (tell people how they can expand their listing).

Shows up on upcoming races. But not in races results (not on missing result pages, weekend races, etc. because we are not offering results to these races). But if we run a Running News Daily it would show up there. Also the billboard would show up like our featured races.

Paid Listing

Same as Free plus:
Link to website. One photo and up to 50 words of copy in first copy block.
Cost is $3 per month or $36 per year.
Commission 50 pesos (sale only)

Profile Listing

Same as Paid listing plus two photos up to 300 words of copy in first block, result link, plus can set up promo code.
Cost is $12 per month or $144 per year.
Commission is 100 for seller and 25 for person setting it up.

Featured and Followed Listing

$495 per year or $395 if non-profit.
500 for seller and 100 for editorial person.
If person is reporting to someone (like reporting to Manuel) that person gets 100 for this sale only.