Strength and flexibility and its benefits for runners

To perform your full potencial on your running program,also ensure that you include strength and prehab exercises to prevent injuries and to improve your running efficiency. Often runners have a habit of spending so much time running that they neglect stretching and strength training. A newfound appreciation for stretching and strength training – predominantly for preventing a future injury but also for developing strength and power to improve the running efficiency and consequently better the race times. It is common knowledge that runners who do not include strength training into their weekly routine are at a higher risk of injury. The most common injuries for runners are caused by over-use of certain muscles. Overuse injuries are generally caused by strength imbalances in the muscles as when a muscle is weak, other muscles surrounding that muscle have to work harder to compensate for the weakness. These surrounding muscles can become overworked and susceptible to strains and tears. Studies show that strengthening the hips and core can help prevent runner’s knee, whilst strengthening the calves and feet can prevent runner’s foot. However, strength is not only important for injury prevention, it can also improve your muscle power and performance. In addition, strength training improves posture and running technique, allowing your body to move more efficiently with the added bonus of increasing your lean body mass and reducing body fat.

posted Thursday April 19th