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Strava announces new feature: #statmaps

Stat maps allows runners to colour-code their routes based on eight different factors

Today Strava announces a new feature to their platform, which they call #statMaps. Stat maps brings coloured lines to the previously orange GPS file that traces your route. This will allow for runners to better visualize their training and activities. The colour of your map will change based on several factors: pace, speed, heart rate, elevation, power, time and temperature. 

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Runners get to choose the element of their workout that they want to be highlighted after it’s over. For example, if you did interval work, you could choose to highlight heart rate to contrast your rest versus your work. Stat maps will be available to subscribers, but all users will be able to see the custom treatments on their feeds. Maps are created by adding a hashtag to a title or description. 

Customization options

Pace #PaceMap – Darker colors are faster paces 

Speed #SpeedMap – Darker colors are faster speeds 

Heart Rate #HeartrateMap – Darker colors are higher heart rates 

Elevation (Absolute) #ElevationMap – Darker colors are higher elevation/altitudes 

Elevation (Gradient) #GradientMap – Red is climbing, Green is descending 

Power #PowerMap – Darker colors are higher power outputs 

Time #TimeMap – Darker colors appear later in the activity 

Temperature #TemperatureMap – Red is hotter 

The one person who #statmaps might not work so well for, is the person who usually does and out-and-back as their GPS file will overlap. However, if you’re a loop king or queen, this feature is pretty cool. 

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