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Laz Lake’s virtual ultra has higher participation than UTMB

10,000 runners will begin Lake's Great Virtual Road Race Across Tennessee today

Laz Lake’s The Great Virtual Road Race Across Tennessee, which begins today and runs through August 31, has amassed an astonishing 10,000+ participants, including more than 1,500 Canadians. The event, which will see runners travel virtually on foot across the state of Tennessee (roughly 1,000K), has 10,174 registered runners and is still open for entry.

Runners have four months to tackle this behemoth of a race, and if they finish with enough time to spare, they can go for the out-and-back route and complete an additional 1,000K (this would require averaging 16K a day for four months).

Laz in Frozen Head State Park, site of the Barkley Marathons. Photo: courtesy of Laz Lake

RELATED: The longest virtual race yet: 1,000K ‘across’ Tennessee

RELATED: UTMB faces changes to accommodate French sports ban

Support a runner

If you’re not running but would like to support someone who is, you can donate here. All funds raised will go to Feeding America. The good news? The race has already raised $59,000, only $6,000 shy of their goal total.

Will UTMB go ahead?

UTMB, which typically sees 10,000 participants annually, is set to run August 24 to 30 in Chamonix, France. Catherine Poletti, co-founder of UTMB, thinks that the race will go ahead, just with some changes to the original plan. Race organizers have said that they will make the final call on the race by May 20, three months before the intended start date of August 24.

Hardrock 100

The Hardrock 100 also remains uncertain about the future of its 2020 event. Event organizers said on Thursday evening that the decision will be made on or before May 31. The race is scheduled for July 17, 2020.

This news comes after the race was cancelled in 2019 due to snowfall issues in the San Juan mountain range last spring.

RELATED: Hardrock 100 cancelled for 2019

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