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An amateur Chinese marathon runner under coronavirus lockdown ran 31 miles in his living room to pass the time

Man running in living room during coronavirus outbreak
Pan Shancu said that his indoor feat of endurance took him around four hours and 48 minutes. DailyMail/Asia Wire
  • A Chinese man ran 31 miles in his own home by completing 6,250 laps around two tables in his living room while on lockdown during the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Pan Shancu from the city of Hangzhou took 4 hours, 48 minutes, and 44 seconds to finish his workout.
  • Taking to social media, the amateur marathon runner said: "Yes, one lap is about 8 meters (26ft) — I ran 50km (31 miles), and did it in 4:48:44, sweated all over, feels great!"
  • Pan is one of many millions around China who have been confined to their homes for weeks as authorities struggle to crack down on the spreading coronavirus.
  • Other runners have joined in and are also sharing their creative indoor exercise routines on Chinese social media.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

A Chinese amateur marathon runner who has been under lockdown during the coronavirus outbreak has been keeping active by running 31 miles around two tables in his living room.

Pan Shancu, a Chinese medicine health therapist from Hangzhou, managed to complete 6,250 laps around his apartment in just under five hours, the South China Morning Post reported.

In a viral post on Weibo, which included a video of himself running, Pan said: "I have not been outside for many days, today I cannot bear sitting down anymore! Let's run laps around the two massage tables in the room, then!"

He even shared proof of the feat by adding screenshots of his running app results, writing: "Yes, one lap is about 8 meters (26ft) — I ran 50km (31 miles), and did it in 4:48:44, sweated all over, feels great!"


Pan is one of many millions of people around China who have been confined to their homes for weeks as authorities struggle to crack down on the spreading coronavirus, which originally came from the city of Wuhan, around 370 miles from Hangzhou.


Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, was placed on lockdown on February 5 in an effort to contain what the World Health Organization has now called Covid-19, according to The Guardian.

The reported amateur marathon runner is not the only person getting creative with indoor exercise.

According to SCMP, one woman even wrote a lengthy "commentary" of her "one-person race" at home on Weibo, saying: "I swipe my race card and start in the kitchen, go through the living room, turn into my daughter's room, the less than 20m-long racecourse has beautiful scenery and on my left, my husband's snoring is cheering me on.


"This is a silent battle. I put in bust of speed and power on to the balcony. My husband's verdict is that I have psychological issues," she continued.

As of February 12, there have been 159 confirmed coronavirus cases in Hangzhou, according to the Guardian.

Currently, more than 1,100 people have died of the virus in China and more than 45,000 cases have been confirmed globally.

For the latest case total, death toll, and travel information, you can follow Business Insider's updates here.


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China Science
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